Category Archives for "About Shirelle"

How to make a website popular

kittycat asks: Hi, I’m just an ordinary girl that randomly makes a website about her favorite animals in the world, CATS! I’m frustrated, because the only member is me, and I’m the site owner, so it’s really kind of dull. How can I make my website more popular among people not including family and friends, I already got that under control.

Hi kittycat –



Well of course the first key to making your site popular is that it has to have something on it that people like, so your first job is to get rid of those nasty stinky cats!  I mean, no one likes them, right?!


Oh, sorry.  You’re right.  I always forget about that.  Well, if some folks want to look at those irritating faces, and even find them cute, who am I to say they’re wrong?


(Well, I’m a DOG, that’s who!  But back to your question…)


When I started this website, it was really hard to get people to join, or even visit.  I wrote an email to all my friends, and all of Handsome’s, but only a few of them joined.  The big trick was that I didn’t Continue reading

Who is Handsome?

sazuna45 asks: I’m new here so I don’t know much about you. Can you tell me who Handsome is?

Hi sazuna45 –


Handsome is just the most wonderful, sweet, guy in the world.  He’s also the most irritating, controlling, annoying person I’ve ever met.  You see, he’s my human.  Some people consider him my “owner,” but he’d be the first to tell you that he no more owns me than I own him.  We just take care of each other all the time.

Handsome is the man who rescued me from the dog pound, and who feeds me and pets me and makes sure I have a roof over my head.   So he’s the Continue reading

1 What is a Pack?

sandy9932 asks: What is a pack?

Hi sandy9932 –


A pack, in general, is any group or bundle of things, usually contained.  A pack of matches, a backpack, etc.


But when it comes to animals, “Pack” is a reference to a group of certain sorts of beasts.  If you have a group of fish, it’s called a “school;” birds are called a “flock;” but coyotes, wolves, and dogs, when they collect, form a Pack.


In nature, packs are very powerful things.  Wolves hunt in packs so they can attack animals far Continue reading

Is it dangerous to date someone too good-looking?

michelle asks: What will you do if a very handsome guy who is every girl`s dream tells you he loves you? Would you accept it because he is every girls dream? Or not?

Hi michelle –



Well, I might be the wrong one to ask.  You see, to my mind, the handsomest guy in the world is the human I live with.  No one in the world makes me happier to see.  That’s why I call him Handsome.


And Handsome tells me he loves me every day.  In a thousand ways.  So what do I do when he tells me that?  Let’s see, I jump on him, I lick his face, I bite his Continue reading

How to name a dog

dog asks: What is the name of your dog?

Hi dog –



Umm…  I’m kind of confused.  You see, I am a dog!  I don’t own one.  I guess I could if I had puppies, but I don’t.


Rather, I just have a human.  Now I hear people call him different things all the time, but I call him a name I made up.  You see, just like all dogs, I think my human is the most wonderful, brilliant, and best-smelling person in the world.  And there’s no one whose looks make me happier.  So I call him Continue reading

How to train a dog

jamz12 asks: How can I train dogs?

Hi jamz12 –
Well, of course, I’ve never trained a dog.  I have spent most of my lifetime training a human – and at this point I’ve got him feeding me, walking me, and scratching me at that place I really love right there, just on the left side of my tummy, where I can never quite scratch myself in quite the right….  Oooooooohhhhhhhh yeah, that’s it…  Aaaaaaahhhhhh!


There are lots of experts out there, who know how to train difficult dogs, or train dogs to do amazing tricks.  But usually, what people really want is to train their dogs to do three things:  1) be safe; 2) not hurt or bother other people; and 3) be easy to Continue reading

Should a redhead dye her hair to be liked?

ED104 asks: I have red hair and really want a boyfriend, but no guys like me. I sometimes get bullied about my hair colour, and everyone is so judgmental. I’m thinking of dying my hair darker for a change, but also to get a boyfriend. But I don’t know if I should or not.

Hi ED104 –

Although we dogs aren’t nearly as interested in looks as we are in smells and sounds, I understand your desire to look more beautiful.  It’s clear to me that when I’m dirty and covered in burrs and smells, most people don’t want to pet me, and even Handsome just does enough that it’s clear he’s just letting me know he still likes me.  But when I’m clean and brushed and not so smelly, so many more people want to hug and pet me, and kiss my nose and all.  You just want to be more attractive, and that makes total sense.

But you bring up a really important other issue .  It sounds like you’re saying that your red hair means you’re not Continue reading

Can we ask Shirelle about things we can’t talk to our parents about?

Epic1999 asks: I don’t feel comfortable talking to my mum about anything sexual just in case she gets the wrong idea. Would I be able to talk to you about stuff like that?

Hi epic1999 –

I am more than happy to talk with any of my pack members about any subject they ask.  If it’s something I know nothing about, I’ll do my best to find the information you need, or at least point you to someone who can help more than I can.

There are certain issues that I don’t post on AskShirelle about, because this site is for kids as well as teenagers.  But you can always write to me about anything, and I’ll just send answers to you, without posting them on the Continue reading

Is Shirelle a girl?

popopants: Are you a girl? They understand better.

Hi popopants –


So often on here, my answer comes down to the meaning of words.  “Girl” usually means a young female human.  Well, in people years I’m pretty young (after all, no dog ever gets as old as a middle-aged human).  And I’m definitely female.  And I’m definitely not human.  So am I a “girl?”

Well, when Handsome is happy with me, he does often say “Good Girl!”  And one of his many nicknames for me is “Girlfriend to the Continue reading

Do you believe in Magic?

Hasitha asks: Do you believe magic?

Hi Hasitha –

What a great question!  It’s a rare and special person who’d write a dog to ask if she believes in Magic, but you are just that person, and I appreciate it!

Now to give a decent answer, I need to clarify what you mean by Magic.  If you mean to ask whether I believe it when people perform magic tricks, I have to admit that, as a dog, I’m very gullible.  I believe whatever I see.  If someone shows me an empty hat and pulls a rabbit out of it, I’ll believe they just pulled that rabbit out of that hat.  But I have that same kind of surprise every day.  Handsome will walk into the house with a paper bag, and out of it comes a can, and out of that can comes my Continue reading

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