Category Archives for "Questions"

How to confront cyber-bullying

fro-yo asks: There is this face chat thing on my iPod, and I logged on today, and got a friend request from someone with my account name. She told all my friends it was me, and started writing statuses saying stuff about me that isn’t true! I don’t know who she is, but I’m so embarrassed, and I’m afraid to go to school. All my friends will be there and they might have seen it!

Hi fro-yo –



My friend, you are the victim of what’s known as cyber-bullying.  This is a modern, high-technology, version of something that’s been done for millennia.  This person is lying, spreading false rumors about you, and working very hard to make you miserable.  Not only that, but the fact that they tried to ‘friend’ you means they definitely want you to know they’re doing it.


This stinks.  It’s cruel, it’s malicious, and most of all, it’s cowardly.


You see, this is where I have to say, we dogs are way better than people.  See, if I want to pick on a dog, I walk right up into her and Continue reading

How to deal with a parent living far away

Olivia asks: My parents are still married, but my dad’s moved to Toronto. How should I deal with that?


Hi Olivia –



The tough part about your question is that it’s probably your parents who really need to answer it.


I’ve known some couples who are really happier living apart.  They meet up on vacations, and are as happy to see each other then as Handsome and I are every day (Why, oh why can’t more human couples feel that same way?!  I’ll never understand!!).  Or maybe they even meet every weekend.  But they know that if they lived together full-time, it wouldn’t be as good for their marriage.  They really need their space.


Then on the other hand, there are of course lots of couples who are kept separate because of things they have no control over.  One’s job makes them move to another city while the other one’s job keeps them there.  Or one is in the military and is sent away, or it could even be that one’s in jail.  Any of these are absolutely difficult, and it’s really tough for them the whole time.


But regardless of what the reasons are, or how your parents feel about it, you’re asking about Continue reading

1 What is a Pack?

sandy9932 asks: What is a pack?

Hi sandy9932 –


A pack, in general, is any group or bundle of things, usually contained.  A pack of matches, a backpack, etc.


But when it comes to animals, “Pack” is a reference to a group of certain sorts of beasts.  If you have a group of fish, it’s called a “school;” birds are called a “flock;” but coyotes, wolves, and dogs, when they collect, form a Pack.


In nature, packs are very powerful things.  Wolves hunt in packs so they can attack animals far Continue reading

How to care for fever in small children

Tikiri asks: How should we take care of a small child who is suffering from fever?

Hi Tikiri –



In general, my view on fevers is that they’re not a terribly bad thing.  I figure the body is just trying to fight hard against something (germs, virus, etc.), and so builds up heat in the battle.  The most important thing to do is to keep feeding it fluids, so it can battle as well as possible.  Imagine you have an army fighting against an enemy; you would want them to have enough food and water, so they can be strong when things get heated, right?  So until the fever gets really crazy-hot, I’m in favor of letting it do its work, with lots of fluids to help all the processes along.


But I’m talking about grown-up humans there.  Small children are more Continue reading

How to fix a friendship that ended because one asked the other out

ebrooke asks: I asked a boy who was my best friend out and he said no. Now I’m really embarrassed and I don’t know what to do. I also feel like I’m losing him as a friend, because we haven’t spoken to each other much since I asked him out. That was about 6 weeks ago. I’m really hoping you can help because it hasn’t been working out for me with those other advice websites.

Hi ebrooke –



Of course I don’t know the actual details, but I’m going to make a guess about your situation.  This boy was your best friend.  He probably felt pressured when you asked him out.  He knew that he was facing losing his best friend when you did that.  He also probably thinks he really hurt your feelings by saying no.


And I’m guessing that, because of that, he’s trying to give you space now.  To not hurt you more.


What it sounds like he’s missing is that your feelings are far more hurt by his giving you that space than by the actual Continue reading

How to deal with drama between friends

Tessa asks: Two of my friends ( a and b ) wanted to do a social studies project with my other friend ( c ). They agreed to flip a coin, because it seemed fair enough, and my friend ( a ) lost. She got very upset and left the chat (we were video chatting), and started messaging me saying she hates her life, cursing about it, and saying she’s happy that she’ll soon be moving away. Now she’s happy again. But my friend ( b) was sorry, because I wanted to do the project with her, so she said we could maybe do it as a triplet ( me b and c). So I told my friend ( c) the next day, and she said we had to tell my friend ( a ) that we were thinking about it, and we had to ask her if it would be okay. I told my other friend about it and she said ok. We were all scared because my friend ( a ) is very sensitive. When we told her she started crying hysterically. We didn’t say it was definite, but she tried to twist our words to make it look that way. Now my friend (c) wants to stay with her, and me and my friend ( b) are feeling left out! My friend (b) is crying, my other friends don’t care, and I’m in the middle. All of the sudden she is happy and our friend again, but she said she wouldn’t talk to us for a week. I don’t know, because she is spoiled, and if she doesn’t get what she wants she gets upset and waits for whoever upset her to forgive her even though she did something. I don’t think she is a good friend – really torturing her own friend and not caring. Should I forgive her or talk to her? I don’t know if it will make it worse.

Hi tessa –



Okay, I just have to say, this is just about the most complicated situation I’ve ever heard in my life.  I’ve had to read your question over a few times, and even though you tried really hard to make everything clear, I’m still confused at a few points.


But I’m very sure about one thing:  Your friends like DRAMA!  Lots and lots and lots of Drama!


My goodness, we’re talking about a Social Studies project here, not the senior prom!  Sure, everyone wants to feel wanted, but these girls need to develop a sense of perspective.


You are, like me, a good-hearted soul, who wants to please Continue reading

How to fend off bullies who insult your better qualities

ebrooke asks: I am in high school. A big group of bullies say mean things behind my back. I don’t know why but I think it’s because a) I look anorexic (I’m not); b) I sound American and people say mean things about that; c) I am friends with all the boys except the mean ones; and d) I have good grades (I don’t think that’s bad though). One day they called me and my friends nerds and a called them a mean thing back and then they kept on saying mean things and so did I. I feel guilty and if I say anything, they won’t stop and they can tell on me too. What can I do?

Hi ebrooke –



Okay, first of all, I have a couple of pieces on Bullying, on this site.  Just go to the Search Box on your right, and type in Bullying or Bullies – you should find them.


But then I want to point something out to you about bullies.  The best of them, the really talented ones, are brilliant at making people feel bad about themselves, even for their best qualities.  Said with enough scorn, “You’re a beautiful genius” can be an insult!  You have here listed four things that these jerks insult you for – and not one of them is a Continue reading

How to overcome feeling isolated

dramatherapy asks: How can I overcome feeling isolated?

Hi dramatherapy –



Hey I love your name!  My friend Handsome studied Dramatherapy, and is a huge fan of it.  For those who don’t know, that’s a form of psychotherapy where, instead of just talking about things, the therapist and clients do lots of activities.  Maybe they’ll write poems, or play with puppets or musical instruments, or draw pictures, or even act out roles – all in special ways that help the clients grow through stuff.  If I were a therapist, I’d definitely be a Dramatherapist – if only because I can’t stand sitting still for long!!!


So, given that you chose that Pack name, I’m kind of surprised at your question.  Because, you see, I think your name IS the answer to it!


It’s terrible to actually be isolated.  When I’ve had to stay at the veterinarians’ office overnight, and I’m locked in a little cage all alone, I’m just miserable.  I know Handsome’s coming back to get me… but I don’t totally know it!  You know?  I mean… he does love me, right?  And he isn’t really mad at me about that thing he yelled about yesterday, is he?  The thing I couldn’t figure out?  And he’s going to be okay?  I mean, he’s not hurt or something and so can never get back to get me, is he??!


Now that’s real isolation.  But I’m assuming that you’re not locked in a Continue reading

How to get parents to stop complaining about your room

Resistance asks: How can we make our parent stop grumbling at us about our habitat?

Hi Resistance –



If I understand correctly, you’re asking how to get your parents off your case about your home, and especially your room.  Probably a mix between your decorating choices and your cleanliness habits.


Well, Resistance, you’re going to hate my first answer.  The way to get your parents to stop grumbling is probably to clean up after yourself.  All the time.  Yes, I mean taking your dishes to the kitchen when you’re done with them, and washing them (or at least putting them in the dishwasher).  And picking up your clothes and everything else before you leave every day.  And making your bed.  Yes, I mean all that boring irritating junk they incessantly complain about.  That’s the way to get them off your case.


At least, about the cleaning part.  But if they’re really griping a lot about the stuff you put on your Continue reading

Why is math so difficult?

queeny nik asks: Why is it difficult for me to learn maths at school?

Hi queeny nik –


Well, as you can probably guess, I’m not exactly a Calculus expert myself!  I see trained dogs who appear good at counting to four or so, but really, our brains just don’t go that way much.


And the truth is, not all human brains do, either.  The human brain is so complex that all sorts of specific talents show up in a million ways.  Mozart could never have invented the light bulb; Da Vinci didn’t figure out the printing press; and if Shakespeare lived today, I doubt he’d be any good at Continue reading

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