Category Archives for "Questions"

How to start a teen magazine.

Ryta asks: Hello Shirelle. I hope you’re doing great. If you wanted to start a teen’s magazine, how would you go about it?

Thanks for your question Ryta, and yes I am absolutely doing great!  Especially because… Wow, what a cool question!


I have to confess, I have absolutely no idea how to get a magazine started, whether for teens or anyone else.


But I do hear a lot that the publishing business is really difficult today.  So I’m not sure I’d recommend that you make the huge investment a new magazine would require, without being able to know that you have an audience first.


And to do that, I’d suggest that you try something else – something I know as much about as any dog who ever lived!  I think you should start a




You see, starting a website is really inexpensive.  Handsome only pays a fee of a few dollars a month for me to have all to myself.  That frees me to put all my energies into making the site as great as it can be.  Now part of that is that I have a fantastic website designer, Sherice.  She knows all the stuff that Handsome and I don’t, about how to create graphics and set up the system so that the site works right.  But you could save even more money if you got one of those website templates that are always advertised, and then you could just load it up with all the fun teen stuff you wanted to write, and pictures you download or upload, or even create yourself.


And then, if you’ve created something really unique, and other people get into it and like it…  maybe you’ll be set up to make a deal and get a real paper magazine made!


Hmmm…  this is getting me to thinking…  hey do you think if I put pictures of Justin Bieber on each issue of “The Pawprint,” I could get it published too?!


Thanks for the cool question!


How to make your parents trust you.

Bumpy asks: How can I make my parents trust me?

Boy, Bumpy, do I hear this one all the time from kids, teens, even some adults!  Why can’t our parents trust us?  We can be super-responsible in the eyes of the world, but these people, who know us the best and love us the most, have absolutely the worst opinion of our integrity and abilities!

Well, it’s one simple problem you’re facing:  Diapers!

Yes, you read it right, I said Diapers!  You see, when you were born, you were completely helpless – you couldn’t even lift your head up.  And you’re here today and able to complain to me because your parents did absolutely everything for you back then.  They knew you were helpless, and were there always.

Then you got a little older, and you started crawling around, walking, talking… you were feeling pretty powerful.  But no matter how smart or tough you were, they knew that you were still helpless and had no idea how to handle life, because of the big bulge around your Continue reading

How to manage anger.

Simba asks: I don’t know how to stop when I get angry. I have this outburst of rage when people don’t do what I tell them to do. I sometimes become violent, and physically hurt that person. My father is always in command and rigid. He was a soldier before. My mother is also dominant and will easily get angry. She wants us to follow her instructions all the time. I think I got their temper combined! SOS!

Thanks for writing such an open letter, Simba.


Everyone gets angry sometimes – dogs, people, even insects.  So there’s nothing wrong with anger, but you say it just right when you say that your problem is that you don’t know how to stop when you get angry.  Especially if you become violent.  Now there are experts in this field, and I’m not one.  And I can give you some suggestions – but if you need more, try looking up “Anger Management” and seeing if there are any of these people near you.  They can really help a lot.


But in the meantime, here are some thoughts:


1)    You’re absolutely right to mention your parents.  Now you may have inherited some excitability from them, but the bigger issue is that they were your role models when you were growing up.  As a baby, toddler, and small child, you saw difficult issues get resolved through anger!  And now you’re realizing that that’s often not the best way.  But you have to work extra-hard to change yourself, because this was what you were taught early.

2)    The first thing you need to do is to learn the Progression of your anger.  What gets you annoyed, what builds that anger, and what is the point when you can’t turn back.  For example, I’ll be lying on my bed, sleeping happily, when a squirrel runs over the roof.  That really bugs me, so I sit up and give a “Woof.”  But unless I’m feeling like exercising, I’ll probably stay there.  But then another squirrel chases that first squirrel – and the hair goes up along my back.   And then they start fighting, with their irritating barking at each other… and that’s it, I can’t take it anymore, I’m Furious, and I shoot off the bed, through the kitchen, out my doggy door, and am barking like crazy and jumping to try to catch them even though they’re thirty feet over my head!

Now I don’t really mind that anger, because those nasty little rodents deserve it!  But if I wanted to manage that anger, I’d want to look at that Progression.  And to ask one particular question: when is the last moment that I have control over my feelings?  I would guess it’s when the second squirrel has just run over the roof.  So if I wanted to control my anger, I’d have to learn to do something (walk away, meditate, whatever) right when my anger hits that place… or before… but no later!


3)    Then we want to look at what it is that causes your anger.  With me it’s that I hate those squirrels being so sassy in my yard!  For you, maybe it’s that you feel disrespected, or insulted.  Or perhaps it’s that you feel threatened.  The experts say that Anger is a “Secondary Emotion.”  That means that we get angry because we feel something else.  I’d argue that it’s almost always Fear.  We get angry because we Fear we’ll be attacked, or we Fear humiliation, or we Fear being ignored… or we Fear that those squirrels are going to take over our whole yard!

4)    And then once you can see what it is that we fear, maybe you can figure out what you can do about it other than getting angry.  Like, if you have a friend who’s treating you badly, instead of getting angry at him, realize that you fear having an abusive friend in your life, and just calmly cut off your friendship.

5)    But it’s also good to have a way to get that anger out!  Let’s say you nobly walk away from a jerk who’s taunting you to a fight, or you calmly ignore it when you see your ex-girlfriend making out with someone at a party.  It’s very important that you realize that, although you’re being really great, all that frustrated anger is still inside you!  So what do you do with it?  I know a great therapist who has a log in his office, with a hammer and nails, and gets his clients to bang as many nails into it as they need to, just to release that frustration.  Punching bags are fine, and playing any active sports is of course great (WHACK that golf ball, SMASH that tennis ball, or of course boxing is just the purest!).  For me, it’s always been tug-of-war, trying to rip Handsome’s arm out of its socket by putting every bit of anger I have into pulling that rope!  But whatever works for you is great.  As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone (including yourself – chopping firewood is great, but if you do it when you’re really full of rage, you could do enormous damage to your leg!!)

6)    And I’ll finish where I started, Simba.  This might be a good issue to talk about with a professional.  Even if you do a great job at dealing with your behavior, the fact that you were raised by two people with tough tempers can have a big effect on the rest of your life.  So I’m a big fan of loving them as they are, but doing the work you need to make yourself the best you can be too.  And a good therapist is just great for this stuff.  Especially because they’re not going to tell you you should never get angry!  After all, I’m going to take a wild guess, and suggest that you chose that particular pack name for yourself because of a particular movie, where a frightened little lion cub grows up and is able to act on a lot of anger, and save his whole community!  Once you learn to control it, Anger can be a very good thing.


Thanks again for a great question.  And good luck with all this – you’re on a great journey!


Hakuna Matata!




1 What will the afterlife be?

dukethelizard asks: Hi I’m a 16-year-old guy and I’ve been getting depressed lately. I keep thinking about dying all old, and wondering if there’s an afterlife or not. I thought it was just hormones at first, but this has been going on longer than I thought it would. Almost a month now. It’s really starting to get to me. The thought that everything that starts has to end keeps running through my mind and well it stinks!!! I feel awful most of the day. I was wondering if maybe I should become active at some church or become Buddhist or something. I know you’re busy, but please help asap. I’m not suicidal or anything, but its really affecting me. I couldn’t sleep last night, and I had a test today that either made or broke my grade in algebra 2. Help please!

Thanks for your beautiful question.


I have to be honest with you here.  Dogs are very connected to the Earth.  We certainly have a spiritual nature, but it’s all about here, not the Beyond.  So I can’t argue about whether any religion is better than another, or whether there’s an afterlife, or anything like that.  I truly have no idea.  There’s certainly a magic I see in everything, from a baby’s cry to a flower to a parade of ants to a mountain to rainclouds, and if someone wants to call that magic Continue reading

How to know if a friend is avoiding you, or is not okay.

Malavika asks: I have a friend. Yesterday I called her after school to see if I could go to her house. She said she wasn’t feeling well. But later that day, she said she needed to borrow a labcoat for school and she came over and she was fine. Again today I called her to see if we could hang out but she said she wasn’t feeling well. I asked one of her school friends, and she said that she was fine in school. She was speaking and talking fine in school. I’m a little scared. I don’t know if she is ignoring me, or hiding something or is she really not well? Please, I need advice!

What a mystery, Malavika!  I have no more idea than you do about what’s up, but I can offer one bit of advice:  Find Out!


And here’s the big issue here – every possible answer you have has an emotional side to it.  If she’s ignoring you, that hurts!  If she’s hiding something, that might make you mad!  And if she’s really not well, that’s really sad!


So your job is to Continue reading

How do I improve an 8-year-old’s study skills?

Baqir asks: I have an 8-year-old boy of grade 4 in a Pakistani English medium public school, who is not taking interest in studies and resists teaching from mother. Do you have any suggestions?

Hi Baquir –


The first thing I want you to do is to take a very deep breath.  And then, every time you begin to worry about your son’s academics, I want you to take another.


Your son is eight years old.  This is a great time to learn – his brain is as powerful and receptive as it will ever be.  But he’s also growing.  What he learns now about subjects in school is extremely important, but what he learns about life is even more so.  And where they overlap is one huge thing:  Love Of Continue reading

1 How can a girl stop thinking about boys enough to study?

Charis asks: I seriously hate studying, and want to be in a relationship asap. The problem is, I’m 13! How do you focus on your studies and stop thinking about guys all the time?

Hi Charis!


Ummm… you can’t.


If you’re obsessed with something, there is no way in the world for you to stop thinking about it.  I’ll bet if someone hit you on the head with a hammer and knocked you out, you’d spend the next two days unconscious, dreaming about boys.  That’s just where you are today, and that’s okay.


But you do bring up two other issues.  First, how do you focus on your studies.  Well, when I was in Obedience Training, the way the teacher had Handsome keep me focused was to keep a bag of Continue reading

How to deal with a child who always wants to go outside.

NBN asks: How do I cope with my 6year old cousin, who cannot stay in the home for even a minute, always out all the time.

Hmm…  Well, Handsome makes sure we live in a house with a fenced-in yard, so I can go outside a lot, but I think he’s mainly concerned about me running away, while you’re more bothered about this kid just wanting to be outside all the time.


My biggest question is Why.  Why does he want to be outside all the time, and why does it annoy you?  You see, I love Continue reading

1 What is a crush.

alleah123 asks: what is the meaning of crush? And what’s the difference between love & crushes???

Oh alleah123, I love crushes!


You see, crushes are great, and innocent, and fun.  You can have a crush today, or when you’re ninety years old.  Even married people can have crushes, and it’s okay.


So what exactly is a crush?  A crush is something that feels like falling in love, but it’s clearly based on nothing real.  Handsome had his first crush when he was ten years old, and he never had a single Continue reading

How to deal with a shy boy you like.

Chupa Chup asks: Hi, I’ve been having problems with this boy. I really really like him and he really really likes me too, and he is too shy to tell me how he really feels. So I’ve been thinking maybe I should tell him, and then he may tell me… but than I’ll be to shy! I need help please?

Hey that’s great about that boy, Chupa Chup!  So now comes the fun and scary part — how do you find out for sure how he feels?!  Maybe get a friend to ask him if he likes anyone?  Or try hanging around him and see how he reacts?  Or you could do what I do – just jump on him and lick Continue reading