Category Archives for "Questions"

Why do politicians think they’re so special.

aqib asks: Why do politicians think that they are the honor of the state, instead of that they are the state’s servants?

Boy, aqib, you might be asking the wrong mammal.  Historically, we dogs have always had what’s called “pecking orders,” where our packs are led by the dog who’s the strongest and best fighter.  And even in today’s domesticated world, you’ll see dogs pick fights to determine who’s the top male and top female in an area.  But beyond that, we don’t really have leaders – and we certainly don’t have politicians.  Now that’s not to say that our method is better than the ways you humans live – it’s just different.


But as I look at the history of the human race, I see so much about this issue – kings and queens and dictators and presidents and prime ministers, all wanting to think they’re the best thing there is… but almost always figuring out at some point that they’re actually just Continue reading

3 How to stop bedwetting

Mahad asks: My four-year-old son is in the habit of bedwetting. Do you have any suggestions? I really want to resolve this issue because it is becoming problematic for us.

Oh Mahad –


I so feel for both your son and you.  It’s very difficult, I know, to live with someone in your house who has bladder control, and it’s painful and humiliating to be the one with that problem.


With me it’s been slightly different.  I was able to get paper-trained and house-trained very quickly.  After that, there were a couple of times when Handsome was so stressed out it made me lose control, but otherwise I’ve been fine.  With one exception!


That exception is that dogs, unlike people, get inspired to Continue reading

Our responsibility for our own health

ankita asks: Are we ourselves responsible for our certain type of ill health?

Hi ankita –


Well of course I’m not a doctor, I’m a dog!  But I see enough to know that the answer to your question is… Sometimes.


Clearly, if I eat some rotten moldy maggot-infested 6-day-old meat, and I get sick, I’m pretty responsible for it.  And clearly, if I’m just saying hello to another dog and she gives me Parvo or Kennel Cough, I wasn’t responsible for that at all.


The part of the question that gets difficult is when two dogs, or two people, do the same thing, and only one gets sick.  Maybe another dog could eat that meat and not get sick; maybe another one could play with that sick dog and not get sick.  And the medicine that saves your life might be poison to me.  It’s really hard to make specific rules.


But here’s the one thing I can say for sure.  There are certain things that have absolutely no positive Continue reading

1 How to recover from lost love.

ammo asks: I lost my love and I really miss him. I can’t live without him. What should I do? I can’t do anything without him coming in front of me all the time. Help me out please.

Oh ammo, I’m so so sorry.  And I’d love to help you out…  But the truth is I can’t.


I’d love to tell you that there will be another…  And there will be, but I know you won’t believe that now.


I’d love to tell you that you’ll be better off, that the love you want is one that will last…  And that’s true, but I know you won’t Continue reading

Good topics for practicing conversation

Aree303 asks: Please give me some daily English conversation to use with my 10-year-old son. I like to practice with him. He is in bilingual school but rarely speaks English.

Hi Aree303 –


Congratulations to you for caring so much about your son’s education, and working to help him navigate a multi-lingual world.  I’m happy to help.


In fact, I think I can help a lot.  Because what you really need is help finding things that interest your son, that can both help him learn English and give you good topics to talk about.


May I recommend…   Continue reading

1 Why we sometimes feel alone.

nanny asks: Why am I always alone?

Oh nanny, I know that feeling!  It’s so painful!


But then there those days when I wake up and feel like I’ve got so many people and dogs around me I can’t find space to think!  So if that’s true, I can’t really be alone, can I?!


The truth is that we often feel way more alone than we really are.  We might spend a day by ourselves, but that doesn’t really mean we’re alone.  We’re still in the minds and hearts of our families and friends, and we have so much effect (good and not) on others all the time.  But when we feel alone, that’s about our Continue reading

How to find out if someone likes you too.

Hannah asks: I really like this boy, and I don’t know how to tell him I like him. We just met and he’s really cute. I just really don’t know if he feels the same about me, and I don’t know how to get him too! Please help!!

Hi Hannah –

Well, first, I’d direct your attention to Sweetparker’s question, about her confusion over two guys (it’s listed in Previous Questions, under Growing Up, Life Skills, Relationships, and School). I talk with her about ways to try to find out what a boy thinks of you.

But I want to throw a couple of other thoughts at you as well. First, know that there’s nothing wrong with being nervous and shy. Most boys think it’s really cute! The only problem is if you’re so shy you can’t even approach the boy. For example, Handsome had his first crush on a girl when he was ten years old. He never had the guts to even meet her. The only words he ever said to her were when he accidentally stepped on her Continue reading

How to deal with a kid picking fights with you.

Chupa Chup asks: There’s a boy that goes to my school and he comes to school care and sometimes we fight and hurt each other and hit and kick and pinch and punch. I don’t know what I can do to make him stop hurting me all of the time.

Hi Chupa Chup –


Well, there’s an easy answer to your question, that I’ll bet you’ve heard adults say before:  Stop fighting with him.

Now I’ll bet that just made you roll your eyes, because of course you can’t stop fighting with him, because he’s going to come at you and hit and kick and pinch and punch.  Right?  But maybe you can actually stop the fight instead.

You see, I’ve been in lots of fights.  And I’ve won fights and lost fights.  I’m a good fighter.  But I don’t like fighting.

Actually, let me restate that.  I love fighting, but not when it’s Continue reading

How to write a speech

Danish asks: Write a speech on the topic: ‘Preservation of ozone layer is the most pressing need of the time.’

Hi Danish –


A speech?  Me?  Umm… my speeches tend to sound something like “Woof, arrrrgggh, ROWH, umf.”  Dogs certainly express themselves vocally, but I wouldn’t recommend you ask us for advice on public speaking!


But I do know a bit about arguing, and it sounds like this is supposed to be a speech that argues a point.  So in order to do that well, what you need to do is, first, to show that you have a good amount of knowledge about the issue.  What is the ozone layer, what’s happening to it, what are the different theories about why that’s happening, and what’s the effect of its depletion on our world…  all these.  Then, you need to argue the issue of the word “Most.”  Is preserving the ozone layer more important than dealing with, oh, say, population, the world economy, disease, nuclear weapons, or the fact that I can’t find enough rabbits to chase?  You need to find a way to argue your point, whatever it is.


But definitely, you need to write that speech yourself.  Don’t even trust another person to do it, because after a speech people usually ask questions, and you don’t want to come off as not knowing what you talked about!


And definitely, NEVER trust a dog to teach you how to speak.  People train dogs to speak, not the other way around!


Good Luck,
