Category Archives for "Adults"

1 How to make an apology

Mandhie asks: I have had crushes on other guys that last for a few days, but I have liked this one guy for five good years. At times, I can feel he likes me, and at others, I feel he doesn’t. Recently, I asked him to come over and he did. We took pictures, and I walked him about halfway home, till I got tired. The next day, I sent him one of the pictures we took, and asked him if I could use it as my Facebook profile picture. He said I should never do it, so I said okay. Then, I sent the picture to his “school father” (it is something playfully done in schools in my country; they act like your caretakers in school. Now the whole point is that people tease us both that we like each other. I like him, and I know he likes me, but he hasn’t confessed anything to me – and as I said before, he gives me mixed signals. So now, he is angry with me because I sent that picture to the other boy. Now, I don’t know why I sent the picture, and seriously speaking, I like it when people tease us; and that was what I wanted, for the boy to tease me to make me feel like he likes me, but it didn’t go the way I planned. He saw it on Facebook (because another friend of his school father took a screenshot of the picture and put it online). And now as I am writing, we are not talking, and it hurts. I have said I’m sorry a thousand times, but he is neither replying to my messages nor calling me. I have offended him before, and I feel so bad because I feel the way he feels for me might change. I know he likes me because he acts shy and doesn’t look at my face when we are talking, but I do look at his face. I don’t even understand why he is so offended! You have no idea how I feel right now; I am afraid he will be taken away by another girl. I love him so much. Please help. I don’t want him to leave my life.

Hi Mandhie –


Mandhie, I won’t pretend to understand nuclear physics – no dog does.  But I know that the basis of the atom bomb came when humans learned how to split an atom, which then set off energy that split the atoms around it, and those the atoms around them, and so on, creating enough energy to destroy a city.  All from the energy inside a tiny weensy atom.


Well, my dear friend, that little picture was just an atom, but it seems that, in this boy’s world, you set off an atom bomb!


You say in your letter that I have no idea how you feel.  Actually, I probably have a pretty good sense of it (kind of like the day I, as a puppy, felt like chewing on something and found a piece of cardboard very handy, only to discover later that it was the cover of a decades-old record album that Handsome really treasured, as he screamed as he grabbed me and heaved me through the air).  What I don’t have a good sense of is what this boy is feeling.


Why is he so upset?  Is he just super-private?  Is he worried because he likes another girl and doesn’t want it to look like you and he are a couple?

Is he embarrassed, because he likes you and doesn’t like having his feelings shared around publicly?


From what you say, I think there’s a Continue reading

How to stay in a school you can’t afford

problempup asks: I am in big trouble. You know how many kids hate school? Well I love school! But unfortunately, school is in six days and my dad hasn’t paid my fees; his salary is less than the school fees, and if he doesn’t pay, I don’t get to go to school any more. Help!

Hi problempup –



You’re right – it’s really refreshing to get a letter from someone who loves going to school!  I certainly understand the kids who can’t stand it, but it’s nice to hear that sometimes it’s actually enjoyable!


Your problem, therefore, is a really painful one.  I don’t know where you live, but I’ll throw some ideas out, and if any can help, I’ll be thrilled.


First, is this a case where your dad will have the money later, but just doesn’t have it yet?  If that’s the case, most Continue reading

What to do when two friends are after the same person?

HecateGoddess asks: I made a new friend and she seems kinda nice, so I invited her to sit at my table at lunch. Then she said that she likes this boy, who is my best friend’s crush – and the boy seems to like her too. What can I do to help my best friend?

Hi HecateGoddess –

This is a tough one!  I’ll throw some ideas at you, but the most important thing for you to remember is that This Is Not Your Fault.  If she and that boy were going to be attracted to each other, your befriending her didn’t make that happen.  So don’t feel guilty (you humans fall into that so easily!).  But you still might be able to help things out.

The first question is about the boy.  I know your best friend has a crush on him, but has he shown any interest in her?  It may be that she’s just not his type, or that he only notices other sorts of girls – and if that’s the case, your best act might be to just support her as she watches him go off with this new girl, which always hurts!

But if he’s shown any interest at all in your best friend, you could try to do three things: encourage Continue reading

2 It’s In The Kiss! …the individuality of love …

It’s In The Kiss! …the individuality of love …

You know that thing you do when something gets stuck in your mouth?  Like if you’re eating popcorn, and a bit goes in between your back teeth?  What do you usually do?  Well, before you go for a toothpick or dental floss, I’ll bet you do what most humans do, without even thinking.  You try to work it out of there, using the tip of your tongue.  Your tongue is full of muscles that make it work like a dentist’s tool, which is delightfully useful.

We dogs can’t do this at all!

Seriously, if something gets stuck in our teeth, we have absolutely no way to deal with it.  Our paws don’t have fingers that can work around the gums (or even hold floss!), and our tongues simply don’t work that way.  It’s so frustrating!

On the other hand, imagine if you were really thirsty, and had to drink out of a bowl of water, and didn’t have hands to pull it up to your mouth.  How would you do it?  You’d have to stick your face into the water, and kind of inhale it.  It’d be uncomfortable and difficult.  While for us, that’s super-easy.  We just lap it up with our long tongues, which work almost like spoons, bringing just as much water into our mouths as we want.  It’s perfect.

Funny, isn’t it, how our mouths work so differently?  But there’s another area where these differences come into play, that often means even more to us than our ability to drink.

Of course, I’m talking about KISSING!

Oh we love to kiss!  Humans and Pooches, it’s one of our favorite things in life!  We kiss our parents, we kiss our babies, we kiss to say hello, we kiss to say goodbye, we kiss to nurture, we kiss to tease and tickle… and of course, most importantly, we kiss to say “I love you” – the best statement any being ever gets to make.

(And yes, before someone out there tries to disagree with me, a kiss can also be an insult, as when one gives a “kiss off” to someone, and it can be a statement of threat in some cultures too.  But we dogs never kiss that way, so I’ll just stick to the nicer meanings here.)


You see, humans and dogs kiss completely differently!  For you folks, it’s all about the lips (at least at first).  You either pucker up and create suction, making a smacking sound, or you just gently rub your lips, on the object of your kissing.  While for us dogs, it’s all about the tongue.  We can offer tiny little licks, just barely sticking our tongue out to show a shy, submissive, affection, or we can give a wild, passionate slurp to show that we’re absolutely crazy about whoever it is we’re kissing.

Isn’t this funny?  That both of us kiss for the same reason, but we do it in completely different ways?  I know that there are human cultures that kiss in slightly different manners than others (such as some Eskimo tribes that use noses), but I’ve never heard of any humans who show affection to their friends or family with a big lick!  It’s just not done!  (“Hi Grandma, nice to see you, sluuurrrp!”  Right?!)


But when you think about it, it’s not just humans and dogs who show love in different ways.  Everybody does, really.  For example, you might be someone who wants to hug those you love as hard as you can.  But someone else might be more sensitive, and show love with a very light, soft touch.  You might like to cover the one you love with lots of big kisses, while someone else finds that overwhelming, and wants little pecks.  This can create a bit of a problem, where one person might not feel loved if someone isn’t showing them love in the way they like to receive it.  And then if they say so, that might make the person who’s showing them love feel rejected or hurt, as if their love isn’t good enough.

There’s a beautiful passage in The Call of the Wild, probably the greatest book ever written about a dog, where Buck the main character, and his human owner, are showing each other affection: the owner pets Buck, but Buck’s fur coat is so thick that Buck can’t feel the petting enough to have a pleasurable sensation from it.  And Buck shows his love to the man by chewing on his hand, to a degree that hurts a little.  So neither is actually making the other feel good at all, but both can tell that the other is showing them affection, so they’re made deeply happy by the acts anyway.


In some countries, a holiday called Valentine’s Day is being celebrated around now.  And I know, all sorts of miscommunication and mistakes are happening, in showings of affection.  One man is giving his beloved a huge bouquet of flowers, which she sees as beautiful but overwhelming, and she can’t tolerate how it makes her feel pressured.  He’d have done better with a little box of candy.  Somewhere else a boy is showing his affection by offering to take his girlfriend to the new movie of Robocop, and she’ll break up with him for having been so insensitive to her need for flowers.  A girl will slip a card to a guy she has a crush on, signing it “A Secret Admirer,” and he’ll think it’s from another girl and ask her out.  Other people will receive statements of love and desire from people they’re not interested in, even from people whose gender they’re not attracted to, and all sorts of sadness and hurt feelings will transpire.  And of course, then there are all those people who simply don’t receive any Valentine greetings or gifts at all, who feel completely unloved on this day (even though they may be very loved indeed).

How silly, and how sad, that love – the most wonderful thing in life – should create such confusion, such fear, and such sadness.  What can anyone do about it?


Well, there are lots of answers.  But here’s mine:  TAKE THE KISSES!

If a dog licks you, absorb it fully, and enjoy that that pup thinks you’re great.  If a person kisses you in a way you find nerdy or sloppy or uncoordinated, take it – the meaning behind it is as true as if it were artfully bequeathed by Casanova.  If someone gives you flowers, or candy, or a ticket to a movie you have no interest in seeing, accept the love.

And if you get a “Secret Admirer” note, be happy, and see if you can encourage that admirer to reveal themselves!


And if you’re one of the hundreds of millions who gets nothing, not a single statement of romance, from anyone this year, know that there are all sorts of other kinds of love out there, and appreciate the ones you do get.  Did your dad give you a hug before you went off to school?  Did a friend smile when they first saw you this morning because you always brighten up their day?  Did a dog or a cat walk up to you asking to be petted?


Love comes in all sorts of ways.  Oh sure, don’t get me wrong – it’s just glorious when it comes in exactly the way you want, from exactly who you want it from.  That’s the best!

But if you’re only accepting that kind of love, if you’re only appreciating that kind of love, you’re missing out on so much of the joy of life.


Every day, when Handsome comes home, I run to him and jump up on him.  He can’t do that to me – he weighs over three times what I do, and would just flatten me!  Then he puts his arms around me and massages my neck with his fingers.  I can’t do that to him – if I tried, I’d rip his skin with my claws!  Then I lick his face.  He doesn’t do that to me – if he did he’d get a mouthful of my shedding hair, and I wouldn’t feel it anyway.  Then he puckers up and kisses my forehead and my nose.  I can’t do that – because… well my lips just simply can’t!

This crazy unequal ritual is one of the favorite moments of the day for each of us.  We’re both getting to feel how much this other being – so different, in so many ways – loves and appreciates us.

If we can all do that a bit more, with everyone who we share feelings for, maybe life can get a whole lot sweeter.

And maybe the day will come when we’re so close, we’ll be able to help the other drink water, or pick a popcorn kernel out of their teeth.


All my love,


Should best friends date?

supermolly asks: I am superrr-close to this boy – he is like my best friend and we literally tell each other everything, and everyone is always going on about how we should get together and stuff, but we’re happy how it is. But lately one of my friends has been interested in him, and is trying to get me away from him, which I hate. But the other day I was thinking, “if he got a girlfriend what would I do,” and I’d be really upset now if I think about it. But I won’t admit my feelings to myself, and I’m really confused, and my best friend was asking him if he likes me like that, and he said he doesn’t know really – and that’s how I feel too! Can you help me?

Hi supermolly –

You know the oddest thing about your letter?  I’ve been doing this for a few years now, and you’re the first person to ever ask me this question!  I’m really surprised, because it seems like something that probably happens to humans all the time.

I don’t know your age, but of course it’s absolutely normal for humans to be friends one day, and then the next, as they mature, suddenly start looking at each other in different ways.  It would be extremely convenient if every human did this at the same time, say on their fourteenth birthday, or on the first day of high school.  But it doesn’t happen that way – some people start changing at age ten, and others not till fifteen, just like in every other aspect of teenhood (like body-shape changes).  It doesn’t mean you’re better or worse because of when it happens – it just Continue reading

How to deal with a bratty younger sibling

BlackGermanShepherd asks: My younger brother is 8 and he always hits me, and I get in trouble because of him. He always goes into my room and takes things and yells at me. I feel like I have no power over him. What should I do?

Hi BlackGermanShepherd –


Your problem sounds like something we dogs go through all the time.  Our humans’ friends decide it would be a great idea if they introduce their puppy to us, thinking we’ll be great pals – and the next thing you know, we’re being bitten, jumped on, and really annoyed for the whole time we’re supposed to play together.  Or worse, our humans actually decide to get a new puppy, and we’re putting up with this nonsense all the time!


And just as with you, the worst thing about this is that, when we get fed up and turn around and bite that little pest in the butt (which is completely a dog’s instinct, and how puppies have learned manners for millennia), who gets yelled at?  WE do!  It’s ridiculous!


Now I’m sure everyone’s been telling you that, over time, you and your brother will become great friends, and he’ll get very mature, and he’ll even become protective of you.  And I have no doubt that that’s true.  But that doesn’t help right now.  Now, what you need is a way to get through this.


For that, I have a few suggestions.  First, try to Continue reading

Should one lie to get a job?

jjlove asks: I am 13 and I want to apply for Avon, though they say I have to be 18. I am a very responsible person, and very good at selling. I have a meeting with an Avon lady, and I lied about my age (I look 21, but told her I was 18). I want to be honest and explain, but that would mean I wouldn’t get the job. What should I do?

Hi jjlove –


I don’t know the details about Avon, but I’m going to guess that, if they insist on your being eighteen, they’re going to insist on some sort of checkup on you; maybe a drivers license or passport or birth certificate?  If I’m right, you won’t make it through the application process, so it won’t even matter that you lied; you’ll just be found out.

But if I’m wrong, if you find that they actually would hire you – I still think the truth will come out at some point.  So I would strongly suggest you tell the truth.

And here’s the funny part – when you do, you’re going to Continue reading

1 What is a person’s ideal weight?

Chloe asks: I’m turning 12, I weigh 44kg and I’m158cm tall. My friends are about 140cm tall and weigh about 36kg. I always feel fat around them and they make me feel fat. I’m always trying to starve myself to loose weight. Am I fat?

Hi Chloe –

As a dog, I have a very simple and strong opinion about weight.  I like to chase squirrels.  In order to catch them, I need to be as fast as I can be.  If I am overweight, my weight slows me down.  If I’m underweight, I don’t have enough strength, and so I can’t get up to speed.  But if I’m my correct weight, then Watch Out, Rodents!


Today, humans are more obsessed with their weight than ever before, and have very specific ideas of what is the correct weight to have.  This is interesting, considering that different humans have different body densities, bone weights, etc.  You’ve probably noticed that two babies, who look just the same, can weigh very different amounts.  So what good do rules about weight, in terms of one’s height and age, do?


Well, they do a bit of good.  They tell a general range.  And if one is in or near that range, they’re probably fine.  But truly, I think my test (squirrel chasing) is a far better one.  If you’re in great shape, then you’re in great shape.  And who cares what anyone says about your ideal weight!


Having said that, Chloe, I looked at some charts online, and they all say Continue reading

How to compete with your friend over someone

ilikechicken asks: My school divides into two sections, and the kids in each only do things with the other ones in their section. My best friend, C, is in one section and I’m in the other. I never see him. But, my other friend (who I had a crush on) is in C’s section. One night when I was spending the night at C’s house, he said she was flirting with him. I got a little sad but kept it inside. What should I do? (I’m in contact with the girl through Instagram FYI)

Hi ilikechicken –

Now I’m having a bit of a problem here.  What you’re saying is clear, but you’ve left out a huge part: How did C feel about the flirting?!  If he was telling you that he’s not interested in the girl, but just wanted to warn you that she’s looking elsewhere than you, then my suggestion is that you get him to help you win her over!  Remember: You’re more interesting, because you’re not in their section of school, than anyone there is!

But if C is interested, then you have another issue – a far more difficult one.  And this question goes back centuries!  What a horrible situation to be in!  But of course, it makes sense – why wouldn’t you and your best friend be drawn to the same sorts?

If this is the case, I can’t give you a definite answer on what to do, but a few ideas strike me.  If one of these sounds good to you, you might want to try it:


1)    Go out to dinner with Continue reading

This Goofy Life …the search for sense in silliness

This Goofy Life …the search for sense in silliness


A few weeks ago, Handsome and I were hanging out with a friend of his.  The friend was telling a funny story about his life.

You see, when he was young, he was a good student, but didn’t really know what he wanted to do in his life, except that he liked riding horses, and wanted to try playing polo.  So when he applied to go to a university, he picked a school that had a polo team.  He went there, played polo, had fun, did well, got married and developed a great career (and never played polo again).  All terrific, right?

Then, over time, he developed a hobby, which became a gigantic passion for him – painting.  By the time Handsome met him, this guy would spend every free moment he had creating one picture after another, and getting really great at it.  And as he developed as a painter, he naturally found what sort of style he liked best, and what established painters he most wanted to be like.

And then he learned something shocking: The painter he most wanted to imitate, to learn from, had been teaching at his college when he was there.  He hadn’t even heard of the guy then!  Here, he had had the opportunity of his dreams right at hand, and hadn’t even known it.  And now that opportunity was long-gone.


Life is like that.  Have you ever found out that your now-favorite singer was performing in your town right before you got interested in them?  Or that someone you now have a huge crush on was walking around your school all alone, trying to make friends, just before you got attracted to them?  Or that your owner was pulling a roasted chicken out of the oven and dropped it onto the floor while you were out of the room, and was able to pick up all but a bit of the grease before you wandered in?!  (That one’s happened to me a few times!!)

And did finding these things out drive you up the WALL?!!


I find that there are two ways to look at incidents like this.  Both make sense.

The first is to really feel bad for yourself!  “Man, when am I gonna get a break?!”  “I would’ve appreciated that painting teacher way more than those other clods did, and I’d be a famous artist today!”  “That would have been my favorite concert ever!”  “I would’ve treated that gorgeous person so much better than anyone else at my school, the unappreciative jerks!”  “That chicken would’ve been SOOOOOO YUMMY!”

And it’s really hard to not feel that way.  Because it’s one thing to simply be unable to get what you want, but way more painful to find out that you almost had it, and just missed out by a tiny bit of bad timing!


But then there’s another way of seeing it:  As that it’s just proof that you are sooo close to getting your dream!

Handsome’s friend could take that crazy coincidence as proof that his next perfect painting mentor can be right nearby now.  You could think that tomorrow you might get to see your new favorite band, in a small intimate place where no one else knows about them.  You could learn from this that the chance of meeting that special person is a great possibility at every second of every day.  And I could learn that someone might accidentally might drop the best thing I’ve ever eaten… right NOW!


As I said before, both ‘lessons’ are correct.  But one version leaves you feeling really rotten about your life.  And the other gives you excitement, confidence, and a reason to greet each day with joy and curiosity.

So it’s your choice.  Life is goofy, there’s no question about it.  And it works in strange ways that have absolutely nothing to do with what we want or wish for or plan.  But how one lives with that fact is up to every individual.  Including you.


And also including a friendly pooch who no longer takes a chance on being outside the kitchen when a chicken is being roasted!



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