How to stay in a school you can’t afford

problempup asks: I am in big trouble. You know how many kids hate school? Well I love school! But unfortunately, school is in six days and my dad hasn’t paid my fees; his salary is less than the school fees, and if he doesn’t pay, I don’t get to go to school any more. Help!

Hi problempup –



You’re right – it’s really refreshing to get a letter from someone who loves going to school!  I certainly understand the kids who can’t stand it, but it’s nice to hear that sometimes it’s actually enjoyable!


Your problem, therefore, is a really painful one.  I don’t know where you live, but I’ll throw some ideas out, and if any can help, I’ll be thrilled.


First, is this a case where your dad will have the money later, but just doesn’t have it yet?  If that’s the case, most schools will give parents a break, and let them pay later.  Especially if they know the parents well enough to be sure their word is good.  And if the school isn’t willing, any bank would be willing to loan your dad the money, knowing that he’d be paying them back soon.
But what if your dad simply can’t afford the school at all, can’t pay it now or later?  This would be a time to approach the school and ask for a special situation.  Some schools have funds to help pay for students who can’t afford the full fees.  Other schools don’t have the funds at hand, but have donors or organizations who are willing to help out students in need.  I know that time is really tight right now, but it’s certainly worth a try.


And if neither of those work?  I don’t know if you have public schools where you live, or if you’d really be facing a time without any education, but in either case, I would say to not give up trying.  If you can’t get help with the financing before this term starts, that doesn’t mean you can’t before the next one.  Or maybe you can get a part-time job that could cover the difference between what your dad can afford and what the school costs.


Listen, problempup, I know that nothing I’m suggesting is easy.  It’s not fair that you, who love school, are having such trouble, when others who don’t enjoy it at all can easily afford it.  But I’m a very optimistic pup, so I’m hopeful that there’s a way to get back in there.


And when you succeed, I have no doubt, the teachers there will be ecstatic to see you there.  I sure would be!


Best of the Best of Luck!



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