braayaan asks: How can I develop an internal self-government?
Hi braayaan –
This is a gigantic question, one that whole books work to answer. But I think the easy and honest response I can give you is that you’re already developing one. Everyone does. The question is, rather, how can you develop a good internal self-government; how can you do it well?!
See, when we puppies are born, we start right in to developing it. And we do it by pursuing everything we want (milk and warmth from our mothers, play by biting and tumbling with our siblings, and excitement by walking around checking out the world around us). And bit by bit, our experience teaches us some things. Our mothers teach us what sort of behavior results in nurturing and what doesn’t; our siblings teach us when we’re playing too hard (they scream out, or bite back!); and the world teaches us all sorts of things, like that some people squeeze us too tight, and that birds don’t like us trying to eat them!
And bit by bit, we use what we’ve learned to start making our own decisions. We stop needing to be nipped or bitten or yelled at – we manage ourselves in a way that will please those we want to please, and frighten off those we wish to be rid of.
Similarly, humans start developing that internal self-government from their birth (literally – you never breathed before that, and suddenly you start doing something you will literally do every few seconds for as long as you Continue reading