Crystal asks: There’s a man who has been crazy in Love with me for about five years. I don’t feel anything for him, and I don’t want to. He is good at studying and can say is a good guy, but he is not my type. He is one year my senior and we are in same grade in high school. He is poor and we have different religions. Furthermore, he said he can’t stop this and thinks he’ll feel it forever. Whenever he sends a message to me, I have always ignored it because I’m getting bored with this. What should I do?
Hi Crystal –
This is very hard for me to say, because I am a hugely romantic-minded dog, and love the idea of forever-romance. But the fact is, this guy is wrong. His feelings for you will not last forever.
Look, I’m a dog, and no one loves stronger and more passionately than we do. But if we like someone who consistently ignores or rejects, or even lashes out, at us, we’ll eventually stop being interested in them. And similarly, if we have an owner we love enormously, who sells or gives us away to someone else, we’ll learn to love those new owners in just that way (though it might take a long time), and kind of forget our first ones.
Now humans have much bigger brains than we do, which makes you smarter and more stubborn! So I’m not saying that getting this guy to move on in his life will be as easy as it would be if he were a Schnauzer. But the truth is, he will move on.
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