What can one do at home alone?
kittycat asks: What are some fun things you can do at home with ordinary everyday things (things that you probably have in the house and that you use daily)? And especially, what can a ten-year-old child do to entertain herself, and keep busy? Sometimes, after school, on religious holidays and on weekends, I’m left alone for a couple of hours and I feel lonely, and sad, sometimes a little scared. I want something to keep me occupied.
Hi kittycat –
I feel a little naughty answering you on this topic. You see, puppies are downright brilliant at finding things to do with ordinary objects in homes. We’ll chew shoes to ribbons, we’ll tear molding off a wall, and we’ll gleefully pee in all sorts of spots the humans won’t find till it’s caused permanent damage! Now if that’s your idea of fun, kittycat, just leave a puppy in your home for eight hours unattended, and take notes!
But given that you’re ten years old, and sound amazingly open and sensitive and responsible, I’m going to guess that chewing and peeing aren’t going to top your list of interesting Continue reading