Category Archives for "Questions"

How to deal with houseguests whose children break things

DeuceDog asks: Hi Shirelle – There is a neighbor boy (7 years old) who we love to have pay us a visit, but every time he comes by – he breaks something. Whether it’s a toy that we have for him and other children, or one of our gardening tools that he likes to slam onto the ground. His father is a nice guy, but a little slack on discipline – I don’t want to overstep my bounds and I don’t want to frighten this nice little boy – but his path of destruction is getting a little difficult. What would you say to him and his father to help appease the situation? Thanks.

Well, DeuceDog, if I haven’t made it clear enough, I was just like this boy!  I was a very destructive puppy, and just loved getting into Continue reading

Why people (especially teachers) are mean

Crooner62 asks: Why are some people so mean (like certain teachers) and what is the best way to not get my feelings hurt when they yell?

Mean teachers?  Like the ones who think the way to treat dogs to sit is to swat our hynie and yell at us?!

Mean people scare me.  I’m scared when they scream at me, I’m scared when they act like they’re going to hurt me, and I’m especially scared when they really do want to hurt me.  I guess that’s the definition of a mean person – someone who wants to hurt me in some way, whether it’s physical or not.

But I think it’s important to point out that there are different sorts of Continue reading

1 Which Beatle would Shirelle be?

DeuceDog asks: If you were a Beatle – which one would you be?

When I first saw this question, I was pretty offended. I mean, why would I want to be some nasty little bug with giant antennae?! But Handsome explained it to me – you want to know about Beatles, not beetles. And he reminded me of what their music is, and told me about their different Continue reading

Fair-weather Friendships

DCW asks: My friend, Patrick said “I wanted to be your friend because I wanted to be in your play,” then he wasn’t my friend anymore after the play. That’s when he said it. What should I do? I really want to be his friend.

Wow DCW, that’s really tough! It sounds to me like Patrick doesn’t really understand what friends are for, or what friendship is about. I imagine he’ll learn more as he gets older.

But for now, I don’t know Patrick. And you are my Continue reading