Category Archives for "Behavior"

How to handle children going through bad phases

vanshica asks: Hi! My son is 8 yrs old in III std. For the last month he has been very naughty. He does not obey his teachers, in class he doesn’t complete his work, and disturbs class every now and then. He was not like this before. I am very tense and worried. Please help me out.

Hi vanshica –


Okay, I’ve got two things for you here.  First, every child goes through phases.  And it’s possible that he’s just simply doing that – going through a strange period where he’s misbehaving and pushing boundaries all the time, and he’ll move past it soon and be the great kid he was (just like… remember when he was two?!).


But then there’s another thought.  It sounds like it could be that he’s acting out because of something truly Continue reading

What do you regret about your teenage years?

Mary asks: Hey, what do you regret not doing during your teenage years????

Hi Mary –


What a great question!  Though I’m not sure which years you’re referring to with me.  If you mean mean the time in my life between the literal ages of twelve to twenty-one, almost any dog in the world would tell you that its regret about that period was not living longer!  But if you mean my teenage “dog years,” that would basically be the time I spent at the age of two (fourteen to twenty-one in dog years).  So what do I regret not doing then?

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How to stop sibling rivalry when they’re ages apart.

spikie asks: how do I get my 16-year-old daughter to be more loving to her 10-year-old brother?

Hi Spikie –


Of course sibling rivalry is as old as brains!  I fought with my litter-siblings, Cain fought with Abel, JR fought with Bobby… oh it just goes on and on!  I will say, though, that usually when siblings are of different genders, and especially when they’re more than a few years apart in age, the rivalry is usually finished by the time they’re your kids’ ages.  So my first thought is…  give them a Continue reading

What are some good techniques for a young person to handle stress?

juicy asks: Growing up isn’t easy. Most of the time I got headaches easily by stress… When I was young I didn’t really understand any family problems, or myself, or love. Sometimes I wanted to just run away. I want to know what to do when I get stressed out.

Hi Juicy –


You are so right, growing up is never easy!  If it were, I’d be spending my days chewing bones and sunbathing, because no one would be writing me questions at all!


Now… If I’m understanding your question correctly, you’re saying that you’ve always had stress issues, and now you’re wondering what to do about them.  Here are some suggestions:

1)    Breathe.  I know, it sounds silly, but most humans hold their breath when they get stressed out!  Whenever you feel the stress building, just sit down and take at least five slow deep breaths.  Ten if you can.  It won’t change what’s happening outside, but it will

literally help your body handle the stress much better.

2)    Regularly exercise.  Every day is best, but at least a few times a week.  Our bodies hold onto the stress that we can’t resolve, and it helps a lot to let them burn it out!  Plus, exercise encourages you to Breathe!

3)    Meditate, Pray, whatever you like.  But take some time every day to sit with your eyes closed and just center.  Feel any stress in your body and concentrate on relaxing it.  And of course, while you’re doing this, as deeply as possible…  yes, Breathe!

4)    As much as possible, get rid of jerks!  One reason lots of people feel so much stress is that their lives are full of really difficult, self-centered, unhelpful people.  If your boss or teacher is really tough on you all day, and then you tell a friend about it and that friend doesn’t listen, or insults you for it… that’s not a great friend!  Try to bring more positive and supportive people into your life.  Your stress level will reduce soon.

5)    Although they might seem to help at first, things like tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, and even caffeine actually increase stress.  Never count on them to help.  Far better to drink lots of water and make sure you get a good night’s sleep every night.

6)    On that count, eat a healthy diet.  Just like exercise and sleep, it will help your body relax more, and you’ll like what you see in the mirror more too!

7)    Find someone good to talk to about your stress.  Friends are great, but if you need more, a therapist or counselor is going to be very helpful.

8)    And oh you knew this was coming…  if you can, Juicy… get, or at least play with, a dog!  We are so good at stress-reduction!  We’ll remind you all the time of what really matters (love, protection, play), and what doesn’t (who said what about whom and who likes or doesn’t like who and all that!).  All the above are great things, but there’s nothing like a loyal trustworthy love, lightly snoring by your feet, to reduce stress always!  (you see, we pooches never forgot how to breathe!)


Good Luck, and feel better!



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1 How to keep children focused in Sunday School

Jena asks: I am a Sunday school teacher and handle younger age ranges 7 to 8 yrs. I am just so curious what can I do to calm their very active moods during discussion! Hope you can help me.

Hi Jena –


There are a lot of books and videos for schoolteachers about how to keep kids focused, and if you look at my recent answer to ethan23’s question about concentration, I explain a lot about that.


But you’re facing yet a different issue.  You are a Sunday school teacher!  And when most kids think of weekends, they think of running around and having fun and not having to Continue reading

3 Ladies and Gentlemen – a new conception of politeness

Ladies and Gentlemen – a new conception of politeness



If you’re a lover of old books and movies, you’ll have noticed that there used to be a very accepted concept of Politeness that pervaded society.  But around the 1960’s, when all sort of really necessary changes happened, Politeness began to get a bad name.  How could rules of behavior be legitimate, if they included treating women as less than men, other races as less than white people, and the poor as less than the rich?   That’s the way it had been in the past, and it needed to change.


So those rules got dropped, and then, for a decade or so, it seemed that our society lost all rules of decorum.  Then a different set of rules came in, with the creepy name of “Political Correctness.”  This sounds like Nazism or something, but was really a set of social behavior rules set to replace the old Politeness, concerning itself with reducing sexism, racism, classism, etc.  It was certainly necessary.  But I’m thinking we’ve reached a time when we’re ready to bring Politeness back… but improved Politeness.


You see, I think there was something great about humans having the concept of Ladies and Gentlemen.  But as our world’s values have changed, that no longer should mean rich white people who treat others as lower than them!  Instead, it’s time for us to redefine these terms, in ways we like!
Now I don’t need to ever be called a Lady.  The rules for my gentility are too simple for that – sit, shake, heel; don’t jump on strangers or bite anyone, etc.  But I know that there are ways I like to see people act, and ways I don’t.  So here’s my beginning list of Shirelle’s Rules for Ladies and Gentlemen!

1.      Ladies and Gentlemen respect older people and children, and avoid doing things that will hurt or offend them.  When I see cars and t-shirts, or even movie posters, saying things that no one would want to say in front of their grandmothers, I know that the people who broadcast these comments are not humans I want in my house.  Since we all know what words I mean, that means that we know better than to put them out there!  And that goes for saying them loudly in public too.

 2.       Ladies and Gentlemen respect themselves.  We see insects and reptiles who treat themselves and their lives with more respect than some people.  While most of being a Lady or Gentleman is about treating others fairly or well, it’s also terribly important to honor yourself, including your health, your feelings, your opinions, and your appearance.

 3.      Ladies and Gentlemen treat all people with respect, regardless of their race, gender, class, or nationality.  This includes understanding that “respect” has to be shown different ways to different people.  The days of open segregation and discrimination are over, but there’s lots still going on in a subtler way (which means it’s harder to tell).  Ladies and Gentlemen really do the work to avoid those evils.  But they also work to show respect in different ways.  People in some cultures don’t like to be touched, for example, while others consider a hearty handshake or embrace to be the way to meet (and I like to jump on everyone!).  Ladies and Gentlemen try to understand those differences, and honor them.

 4.      Ladies and Gentlemen honor their own beliefs with deep integrity, but work to also honor those of others with whom they disagree.   This refers to politics and morality, but especially to religions.  It amazes me that, in this age of the “global village,” people still are so quick to insult or disparage others’ beliefs.  Of course, if a part of someone else’s religion endangers other people, there should be laws that prevent those things being carried out.  But that doesn’t mean anyone needs to put down the beliefs (or lack of beliefs) behind that religion.  Certainly not a Lady or a Gentleman!

 5.      Ladies and Gentlemen consider Kindness a high value, and try to act kindly whenever they can.  This is the core value that I believe a true Lady or Gentleman would have.  This includes basic manners (“Please” and “Thank You” and “Excuse me” still work after all these years).  But if someone behaves with a sort of Politeness that is inherently unkind, that’s the kind of Politeness that the world’s better off without.

 6.      Ladies and Gentlemen don’t take advantage of people working for them.  If you want to see a dog lose respect for a human in one second, let that human insult their waiter or waitress.  That poor worker has no way of responding to them without getting fired, and the insulter knows it.  Maybe there’s a simpler way of stating this:  You cannot be both a Bully and a Gentleman or Lady.  If you’re one, you’re not the other.

Note: This also includes Public Servants.  A Lady or Gentleman treats Police Officers, Firefighters, and members of the Armed Forces with respect and open gratitude.   Even if you don’t agree with every mission they’ve ever had to do, their willingness to do it has risked their lives to keep you safe.

 7.      Ladies and Gentlemen respect that we all share this earth and its resources.  This is one of the rules that just didn’t exist in the old Politeness, but has to be added now.  People who litter, or add to pollution in ways that are unnecessary, or who design policies in their home or work that ruin the environment for others, are Rude and Selfish.  Now that doesn’t mean that to be a Lady or Gentleman you have to be the most strict  environmentalist out there; you just need the awareness that the Earth is like a giant dinner table, and if you hog all the food, or throw your trash into someone else’s place, that’s not good table manners!

 8.      Ladies and Gentlemen honor other people’s divergent tastes.  If you like a certain sort of music, that’s great, and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying it.  But you don’t really need to force everyone around you to hear it when they don’t want to.  (On the other hand, it’s not exactly Ladylike behavior to complain every time your neighbors throw a party and you are able to hear their awful music!)  Similarly, someone else wearing different sorts of clothes to yours, or reading books you don’t like, actually makes the world a better and more interesting place, not worse!

 9.      Ladies and Gentlemen tell the truth (except when necessary).  They know that gains gotten by lies are not worth their cost.  The core of being a Lady or Gentleman is respecting yourself and others.  If you’re lying (unless it’s for a noble reason), you’re disrespecting both.  The Hebrew Commandment said to not bear false witness against one’s neighbor, but I’m being tougher than that!  Try to avoid any type of lying.  Besides, life is so much easier when you tell the truth, because you don’t have to run around trying to protect the lie.  If you tell the truth, you get to respect yourself the whole time!

 10. Ladies and Gentlemen treat children and animals with love and respect – even the ones they don’t like.  Did I include respecting children in two of these rules?  I sure did.  Because in a funny way, ALL these rules could come down to this one.   If a person acts in a way that honors children’s rights to their present and future, they’re automatically going to be Ladies and Gentlemen.  And when it comes to animals – look, no one has to like everyone (and I’ve made no secret on here about my distaste of cats!), but you humans do run this world.  And to treat animals badly is a sign of laziness and cruelty (again, Bullies aren’t Gentlemen).  If you see a spider in your house, you have the power and the right to step on it.  But if, instead, you catch it and put it outdoors, you’ve just proven yourself a more genteel, polite, and fine person!


Okay, that’s my beginning list.  Now here’s what I ask of you: Can you add to it?!  I would SO love that!  Who knows? Maybe if we get enough additions to it, we can start a worldwide conversation, and make the whole human race better!


So please, think of something that YOU would like to see on this list, and post it as a comment on this blog!


The future is ours!  A whole new world of Ladies, Gentlemen, Dogs…   and, well, yes, cats too!

How to discipline misbehaving children

syeda asks: My child is a very naughty boy. He beats every one, and he does not listen to any one. What can I do?

Hi syeda –


It’s hard for me to answer your question without knowing how old your son is, but I can give a general answer to you:


Your kid is misbehaving, and you’re not sure how to control it.  And it sounds like he’s really unhappy.   Here are my broad rules for this:


1)   You need to set consequences for actions.  They need to be clear and immediate.  If he hits someone, a certain consequence happens.  If he doesn’t listen, another does.  Every time.

2)   Your goal is to teach him, not to Continue reading

How should teenagers deal with “inappropriate” websites?

moonfur asks: My best friend isn’t allowed to talk to me anymore because I found an inappropriate website and told her about it, and then continued to go on it, and her mum found out about it — so my bff was forced to say that I showed it to her. We are like sisters! How do I survive this?

Hi moonfur –


Wow, thanks for asking such an open question.


What hits me the most about it is one word:  “inappropriate.”  I want you to think a minute about what that word means, because everything I say will be about that.


“Inappropriate” is a word that people use very freely, and often… well… inappropriately!  It means something that’s not suitable for a particular occasion:  It’s appropriate to yell out “Goooooooooal!” at a World Cup match, but not at a church service.  It’s appropriate to laugh loudly when a movie comedian falls down, but not when your teacher does.  It’s appropriate for…  well, you get the idea.  But I hear lots of people say something’s “inappropriate” simply because they don’t like it!  “It’s inappropriate for you to point out that I was lying,” for example.


So, given that, what makes the website you saw “inappropriate?”  Was it something only Continue reading

How do I control my appetite?

Ashley asks: How do I control myself when I’m home at night and I’m really hungry?

Hi Ashley –


This is a really big question.  And I have to admit, much as I dislike it, I’m lucky in this regard.  You see, I can’t get into the refrigerator.  I can’t get into cupboards, I can’t even get into the container that holds my dogfood.  And because Handsome makes sure to regulate all that, I’ve never had an eating problem.  He makes sure I get all the really healthy dogfood I want at dinnertime, and I often leave it out so I can nibble on it during the day too.  But I can’t get pizza and cookies and treats and all whenever I want, only when he lets me have some.


Lots of people have trouble controlling their appetites.  And I certainly relate – I’d have trouble too, if I had the power you humans do.  So what you need to do is to be your own Continue reading

2 Why are teenagers preoccupied with sex

Angelbrat asks: I’m doing a survey at school about ‘Why are teens preoccupied by sex?’ I think of you as a highly professional little ‘puppy’ and your opinion on that question will be surely appreciated!

Ha!  I would love to see the results of that survey when you’re done, Angelbrat!


Well I have a few answers for you.  First of all, there’s the simple biochemical one.  When humans enter puberty, their bodies start secreting a lot of hormones that change them from being children into adults, and most of that has to do with sexual and reproductive aspects.  Whereas children might develop crushes on people because they’re so attracted to them, teenagers tend to walk around in a state of perpetually heightened sexual Continue reading

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