Category Archives for "Behavior"

1 What to do when you upset your mother

saf1 asks: hey Shirelle, I have a huge problem – I always make my mum cry, and it hurts me inside; I think I am gonna kill myself! What can I do to resolve all my problems with my parents?

Hi saf1 –


Of course, there’s not much I can say to help, since I don’t know what’s actually happening between you and your mother.  There are lots of ways to make a mother cry.  I did it by still trying to nurse after my teeth had grown in!

What worries me, of course, is how much this is bothering you.  It sounds like you’re bothering your mother without ever wanting to.  That might be her issue more than yours.  Do you know why she’s crying?  Do you know what it is that’s affecting her this way?  Because if you don’t, then you’re in a really difficult Continue reading

Who should know about teen pregnancy?

Bambam asks: who will benefit from talking about teen pregnacy and why??

Hi Bambam –


Thanks for your question about talking about teen pregnancy.


But I have to admit, it’s a pretty funny question in a way.  I mean, it’s not really going to do grandparents or monks a lot of good to talk about it, is it?  But there are three groups of people who should be talking about it – a lot!

The first is, of course, teenagers.  Teens need to be aware of the choices they have, the science of biology and anatomy, the laws about sex and parenthood, and most importantly, they need to know the truth about all these things, and not just some silly stuff someone made up for popularity or political Continue reading

What’s the best psychotherapy for 3-to-5-year-olds?

Abbass asks: What type of child psychology is between the years 3 to 5?

Hi Abbass –

If I understand your question right, you’re asking about what sorts of psychotherapy are administered to children between the ages of 3 and 5.  And the answer is pretty simple:  Play.

We all see that cliché image of psychotherapy, where the patient lies on a couch and tells the doctor about their past, especially their memories of their childhood.  Well kids can’t do that!  They don’t have much of a past, and that childhood is going on right now, not in some Continue reading

How can I stop my friend from cutting herself

Bielieber27 asks: Hello. I was over at my friend’s house the other day, and I found out that she cuts herself. I’m really scared – I don’t know what to do. She told me it was addicting and she wishes she could stop. I want help her but I don’t know how to. What should I do? Please Help!

Hi Bielieber27 –


You are absolutely right, and so is she.  Cutting is terrifying, and very addictive.  You’re a great friend for reaching out like this.  I hope your doing this encourages others to do the same.

For those who don’t know what we’re talking about here, some people – most often teenagers – find that they get a pleasurable sensation from cutting their skin.  Usually it happens because they are depressed and feel numb in their lives, so there’s a good feeling from the pain of the cuts.  If you think of how good it feels to scratch an itch – where you’re actually causing yourself more pain in a sense, but it gives you pleasure – that’s what this is like, magnified.

Of course, the difference between this and scratching an itch is that cutting is extremely dangerous.  Even potentially Continue reading

Why are young people into negative things?

lynch asks: Why are young people so hooked on the negative things?

Hi Lynch –


I don’t fully agree with you – I see young people hooked on positive things all the time – but I know what you’re talking about.  In particular, I imagine that, when you say “young people,” you’re referring to teenagers and people in their early 20’s.

There is a definite thing about that age that draws humans to a certain negativity.  They’ll often speak with a cynicism, listen to harsh music that says unpleasant things, and show great scorn for their parents and other authority figures.  And that’s the “good” kids – while others are smoking cigarettes, drinking, or doing illegal drugs, joining Continue reading

What to do when your father hits your sibling

Shae asks: What can a kid do when their father hits their sibling?

Hi Shae –


Thanks for your question about your father hitting your sibling.


Now I don’t know two very important things.  First, I don’t know where you live (and what the laws are there), and Second, I don’t know exactly how your father is doing this hitting.


I do know that, where I live, it is actually illegal for parents to hit their children unless it’s minor (the thing to remember is the three O’s – Open-Handed, Over the clothes, and On the Continue reading

Is it okay for older siblings to play rough with their younger ones?

Jessie James asks: I like to stuff my little brother in the hamper and make him sit all squished up while I think of commands that he must obey or I punish him somehow. Others have suggested that this is abusive, but I find it appropriate to teach him discipline and compliance. I don’t see it as any worse than you trapping a squirrel in a hole of a tree and making him wait until you get called for dinner by your master. What do you think, Shirelle?

Hi Jessie James –


Thanks for your question about how you treat your brother.


Well, I guess I should first explain that, when I trap a squirrel in a hole, I’m not doing it to tease him or even “abuse” him.  He’s trapped himself in there till I get called to dinner, because he knows that if he comes out – he’ll be my dinner!  So it’s not quite the same thing here – which is very good news for your little brother!!!


In fact, the sort of teasing you’re describing sounds a lot more like something a cat would do than a dog.  Cats like to play with their prey a lot.  In fact, I get the sense that they’d rather play with a mouse or a bird than eat it.  We mutts aren’t that way at all – if we catch that animal, we want the reward of a full tummy right away!


Okay, so onto exactly what you’re doing with your brother.  I’ve known younger siblings who absolutely love games like you’re describing.   And the fact that he’s staying in the hamper, and playing with you at all, makes me think he’s one of those (other kids would scream their Continue reading

Kids’ need for free time

Soontobeloner asks: My mother doesn’t respect what I want to do. I go to a stage school, and I like it and all, but it’s ruining my life! I can’t go out with my friends, and if I keep this up I won’t have any friends at all! So what should I do?

Hi Soontobeloner –

I’m pretty confused here.  When you say you go to a “stage school,” I assume you mean a school of drama, dance, music, etc.  Many kids here will envy that you go to a school like that (as opposed to the ones they have that are all about math and history).  But then you say that you can’t go out with your friends.  And that’s where I’m confused.

Are you saying that your school keeps you so many hours that you can’t have any time with your friends?  Or that your mother is just insisting that you can’t go out with them in the free time that you do have?

Either way, this hits one of my pet peeves.  Kids and teenagers absolutely need time with their Continue reading

2 What to do when teenagers retreat from life

Pinky asks: Hi. I am a mother of a 13-year-old son. Of late I have realized he is losing his interest in studies and is becoming very inactive in his day-to-day life. My son is good in studies but now he is not doing his work on time and wants to postpone all his work. He is lacking in concentration too. He doesn’t like to go out much. He just wants to sit at home and watch TV or play PSP, etc. What should I do now?

Hi Pinky –


Thanks for your question about your son.


I wish I could tell you for sure what’s going on.  But the truth is, it could be any number of things.


MOST likely, it’s nothing to be terribly worried about.  Most teenagers go through a period (or a few periods) like this.  Their bodies and worlds are changing very fast, and they need a time when they sort of retreat, when they lose their usual energy and excitement, and need to pull inside themselves, and avoid the Continue reading

5 How do we pray for our children’s purity

animalkingdom asks: I have a 13 year old daughter who would like to stay pure until she gets married. Is there any prayer that one says with them when you give them a purity ring?

Hi animalkingdom –


I am a dog, and so thereby unaffiliated with any religion, and pretty unaware of most.  But I’ll make up a prayer, and you can use it or change it however you wish:


May you live the life you wish.  May you have the strength and wisdom to act in your own best interests, in the short term and the long.  May you find and recognize love and faithfulness in yourself and others, and both give and receive the worth they deserve.  And may you always Continue reading

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