Category Archives for "Teens"

How to get a child’s father to pay child support

annezach asks: I am the single mom of a 7-month-old. Unfortunately the father doesn’t take responsibility, at least for financial support, and his parents don’t either. What should I do so that they will support the baby? Should I ask them or should I ask the government to handle this case?

Hi annezach –

I really hate hearing things like this.  As you might know, I was abandoned by my parents, and was adopted by a human from a pound when I was three months old; and if he hadn’t shown up when he did, I’d have been a goner.

Plus, as a dog, I’m extremely loyal.  So I have trouble understanding people who become parents, but then don’t want to support or take care of their own children.

But the father in this case doesn’t sound like he wants nothing to do with the kid.  Instead, he just doesn’t want to pay for it.  Which is a tiny bit better… but only a tiny bit.

Sometimes fathers don’t want to pay child support because they feel like they’re giving money to the mother, instead of to the child.  But even then, they really should do it.  It’s the kid who’s getting punished by their not paying what they should.

So you’re asking how to go about getting him to pay up?  I’m no expert on law, and don’t even know where you live, but I would suggest that Continue reading

The 50,000-Volt Pond — a few thoughts on corporal punishment

The 50,000-Volt Pond — a few thoughts on corporal punishment

I don’t understand the rules of any organized sport (unless you consider Fetch organized), but I do love to watch humans play them. Let’s face it, most of the time, you guys are really boring in your actions. Walk to the car, get in. Walk inside, sit in front of a computer. Occasionally thrill us by going into the kitchen or picking up a leash, but otherwise… Yawwwwwwn.

But when you play a sport, suddenly you’re fascinating. Running, tumbling, banging into each other, and of course throwing or hitting balls (which we always love). It’s when you guys kind of act like US! So I have to say, I have a very strong bias in favor of athletes – they’re my kind of humans!

I also am a big fan of a lot of the values that sports give to kids. Teamwork, health, learning to accept loss and victory with humble dignity – these are great virtues.

So it’s always sad for me when athletes look bad. Recently, there have been a few of these cases here in the U.S. Camera footage of one infuriated football player punching his fiancée – just heartbreaking. And another superb player getting in trouble for having punished his four-year-old son by whipping him with a “switch,” which is an old word for a thin, flexible branch from a tree, usually with the leaves all pulled off. And when he was asked about it, he said that this was the way he had been raised, so he had seen nothing wrong with doing it.

Now I don’t know any of these men, and certainly don’t know the exact circumstances of these incidents. So can’t speak about them. But as a dog, I do know quite a bit about corporal punishment (which means punishing by doing something to someone’s body – whether a slap or a spank, or things far more severe).


You see, we dogs do corporal punishment! If you see a mother raising her pups, she’ll teach her young, who she loves more than even she can imagine, by giving them little bites when they’re naughty. And it works – the pups learn not to do those things. So it only makes sense that, for centuries, humans have trained us with swats and beatings. Because it’s worked, right?

Well, yes and no…


Here’s the thing about punishment. The real goal of training a dog or a young child is Discipline. And the word Discipline comes from the same old word as Disciple; it refers to Learning. You want that kid to learn not to cross the street without an adult; you want that dog to learn not to nip people’s heels for fun. And these are very worthwhile lessons! But any time you teach a child or a dog, their brains are large enough that they’re learning more than one lesson.

Of course not all brains are that big. For example, my human friend Handsome has a tank with some goldfish. These beauties have learned that, when he walks up to the tank, he’s probably going to feed them, so they swim up to the surface, as close as they can get to him, and start chomping their mouths, hoping some food will drop in. They’re not expecting anything else from him – not love or information or entertainment. Just food. And that’s fine – as their brains are a bit smaller than the goo that forms on the inner corner of my eye!

But when Handsome feeds me, there’s a lot more going on. I feel loved, seeing his care. He enjoys my excitement at the feeding, and I sense that too. Usually he’ll lightly pet my head or back while I start to eat, but being careful not to do anything that would distract me, as he knows that’s bothersome to any animal who still connects to their wild self (Some general advice here – unless you know a dog very well, best to just leave it alone when it’s eating; even a nice one might snap if it thinks you might be considering stealing its food!).


And similarly, when Handsome has trained me, there was TONS going on in me. I was getting attention, but I was also feeling judged and nervous. If I did what he wanted, I expected to get some sort of validation – petting, loving words, maybe a treat. And when I didn’t, it felt bad to hear him say “No,” and know he was disappointed in me, even if just for a moment. In other words, it’s not just that I learned to sit or stay, I also learned something about myself, and about him, and about our relationship. Every time we did it.

Think of what happens in a schoolroom. Sure, you learn something about Math or History. But you also learn that the teacher is happy when you sit politely; you learn what irritates the kid next to you; you learn which teachers like their students to offer opinions in class, and which really don’t.

But all these examples are about learning when there’s teaching clearly going on. What happens when someone misbehaves in their normal life, and gets a consequence? Well, again, they’re going to learn more than one thing. Sure they’ll learn that they shouldn’t have done the thing they weren’t supposed to do. But they’ll also learn how someone else reacted. And they’ll learn about how that person thinks about them. And they’ll learn about their own value, and how they have the right to treat others.


So when a dog mother teaches her young by biting them lightly, they’re learning not to misbehave, but also learning, gently, that other dogs bite when they’re not happy with us. A very valuable lesson!

But what if that mother angrily jumped onto her puppy and bit him so hard she injured his leg? What would he learn then – besides not to do what he did? Probably not to trust his mother! And that he’s in constant danger from other dogs. And that he’s not worthy of being treated well by anyone.


And this is the problem with corporal punishment by humans. It’s been around for years because it has worked to teach certain lessons, but more recently, people have come to realize that there are WAY better ways to teach these things! Giving a young child a “time out” where they have to sit by themselves in a corner is a great way to cool them down when they’re acting out, and teaches them that their parent is in charge, as well as the lesson they need to learn. Some child experts even point out that, when a kid is young, if a time out isn’t enough, the parent can just use silly threats of property, like “If you don’t stop that yelling, I’m going to take a pair of your socks away from your dresser,” and it works! The kid is still experiencing the parent having power and setting the boundaries, which the kid needs to see.

(It’s important to always remember, with both children and dogs, that a big part of that little brain wants the grownup to set that strong boundary, so the little one can know for sure that they’re safe in a rational world)


Meanwhile, if a human responds to a dog’s misbehavior by hitting the pooch, what are the lessons? “Humans are dangerous.” “Your human doesn’t love you.” “You deserve to be hit.” Or even… and this is very common… “Human hands are dangerous!” (So guess what happens when a friendly person tries to pet that dog’s head?! You guessed it… CHOMP!)

It used to be very common for humans to train dogs by hitting them with a newspaper.   But those same humans were then often surprised when they walked into their living rooms to find the sports and weather in tatters all over the floor. Why would their loving dog destroy that night’s Times?

(I’ll tell you why – because that mutt was SMART! “I’ll chew that paper up before it starts in on ME!”)


Similarly, when an adult slaps or spanks, or really beats, a child, the kid learns so many lessons no one would want them to learn. “My daddy hates me because I was bad.” “I don’t have the right to my own body; it’s something for others to do what they please to.” “The world is a dangerous place; even the tree in my yard is a threat.” And worst, “I cannot trust my parents.”

(And to bring everything full-circle, another lesson a kid could learn is “The appropriate way to express anger is by hurting someone physically.” Which could mean that that kid might end up becoming a man who punches his fiancée!)


Now sometimes you’ll hear humans say, like that football player, that this is how they were raised, and so it’s how they want to raise their kids too. But I’ll argue on that count too. You see, I find, when people say that, that if you ask them more about why they want to continue this ‘tradition,’ they’ll eventually say “My parents worked so hard to make sure I had the opportunities they didn’t, and I don’t want to dishonor them by saying they raised me wrongly.”

But you see, changing how you discipline your kids isn’t insulting your parents. It’s the opposite. You’re just carrying on the great job they did of making sure you give your kids a better life than you had! Your parents weren’t wrong to discipline you in the best way they knew. But you would be wrong to not change to a better way of disciplining, now that you’ve learned it!

(Think of it this way – how would you feel about a doctor who prescribed medicine that wasn’t as good as a more recently-invented pill, and that had more and worse side-effects, just because they wanted to honor the doctor who’d treated them with it thirty years ago?!)


But what about when the parent loses their temper? Well, when I was a puppy, and Handsome was training me, I was absolutely horrible. Chewing and biting all the time, a total pain! He loved me, but he also found me constantly irritating and maddening. One day, he came out of taking a shower, to find that I’d chewed up one of his favorite possessions, and it was all over the floor. Fully enraged, he picked me up and threw me into our back yard. But the second he’d done it, he felt terrible, and ran to me, checking to see if I was all right, and covering me with love.

You see, he’d never struck me before that. He had worked very hard to make sure that I would trust him completely. And here, he really had screwed up!

But you know what? Because this was the only time he did that, I didn’t lose my trust. I knew I’d done something that had hurt him, and I felt bad about it. And I knew that he would never hit me, and that he would most likely never throw me again either! It was okay.

Because hitting me was something I knew he simply wouldn’t do.


Here’s my favorite way of looking at this. Being a child, or a puppy, is like walking out into a new landscape every day. And imagine you walked out one morning, and found a big beautiful pond, covered in ice. And you thought how fun it would be to walk out onto that frozen space. Now of course, you wouldn’t just plop out there, though. You’d gently test the ice with the end of your foot. And if it held, you’d test it by pressing a bit harder. And if it still stayed firm, maybe you’d walk fully onto it and stomp up and down – knowing that, if that ice was going to break, you wanted it to happen where the pond was shallow and you were close to dry land.

And imagine if, when you stomped, instead of the ice holding or breaking, you were suddenly zapped with 50,000 volts of electricity, like a police taser, because someone had set this up to keep people from walking on the ice!!!

What would you learn?


Well, you sure would learn not to walk out there onto the ice. But you’d also learn that ice is dangerous, and that ponds are dangerous. I imagine you’d never dare to learn to skate, or to play hockey. And you’d likely never know the fun of fishing, or swimming in a pond, or even feeding ducks who might live there. You might even learn to distrust all of nature.


Well, that’s what corporal punishment is like. It teaches the right lesson, but with all sort of wrong ones. And it can lead to a profound sense of distrust. In ways that the punisher, the disciplinarian, often doesn’t even know.


So my advice, as always, to all parents, and dog-lovers, is simple: Do the best you can, forgive yourself for the mistakes you’re guaranteed to make, but overall, just come from a place of love and enjoyment. Let that bratty kid and that rotten puppy know that the sight of them is the greatest joy of your life. And, clumsily and fitfully, you will raise someone absolutely wonderful, who will shock you with all they achieve.


Who knows? Maybe they’ll even grow up to become a great, and happy, professional football player!

How to forgive yourself for getting your heart broken

Eazyman asks: I am a 20-year-old guy, in love with my cousin. When she was 17, she asked my number from her father and started chatting with me, telling me she loved me. I thought it was right to tell her the truth, that I had a crush on her, since she seemed to be on the same page with me. We were living in different towns by then, so we used to send each other photos (she has always said I was handsome). She used to beg me to pay her a visit, telling me she wanted me closer to her, but now that we are finally living in the same city she seems to be rejecting me. She treats me like a ordinary guy and not like a lover. I tried to talk to her about it, but she took it as some kind of joke. I am now feeling terrible. I can’t forgive myself for telling her I was in love with her, I feel like a fool. Please help me forgive myself.

Hi Eazyman –


Humans are so funny.  Here you tell us this painful story, where you opened your heart to this girl who you trusted and believed in.  And she gave you every reason to trust and believe in her.  But that then, when you were able to live in the same area, she got distant and broke your heart.  And you’re asking me to help you forgive… yourself!


You see, to my doggy mind, you did nothing wrong.  You lived your life, you acted based on your heart, and you gave nothing but love.  So what’s to forgive?  That’s the best way to live!


So I think there are, instead, three things you need to do, to get past all this rotten embarrassment, and move on in your life.


The first is to Continue reading

What to do when you’re feeling suicidal

annabell asks: I’m not feeling very happy with life. I have a great family but I can’t talk to them – I can’t talk to anyone. I’m just not good at talking. I feel so sad. Everyone thinks I’m a happy person but that couldn’t be more wrong. I really don’t see the point in my life. I’m trying to stay positive, but I can’t, and each day I feel worse and don’t know what to do. When I’m home alone all I do is cry like I have a pain inside me. I feel so alone, and I don’t know why I feel this way. I always wish I was dead. In fact, if it wasn’t for upsetting my family, I’d do it. I just don’t know how to pull myself out of this.

Hi annabell –


Okay, so I want to start with two things.  First of all, what you’re feeling is something everybody goes through at times.  There’s nothing strange or wrong in it, and it will pass if you let it – I promise.


Second, I want you to promise me that you won’t hurt yourself.  If you’re feeling a real push to do something harmful, you can call a therapist or a counselor, or even your local police department, and they’ll hook you up with someone who can help you get through this.  Again, everybody goes through a time like this.  You just have to get to the other side of it without doing anything damaging.


Okay, now that those are out of the way…!


It sounds to me like you’re going through a big transition in your life.  I don’t know your age, but maybe you’re a teenager turning from a child into a grownup. Or maybe you’re an adult learning that you have strengths you didn’t know you had (or that you don’t have some strengths you thought you did).  If I’m right, you’re going through a very normal state of Continue reading

How do I know if I’m a psychopath?

arjai101 asks: I read a book on psychopaths a few months ago. I learned about all of the characteristics and the development of the definition and diagnosis on psychopaths. However, when I read this book I couldn’t help but notice that I possessed several of these characteristics. More curious, I took several test on psychology websites and most of them suggested that I might be a sociopath. In fact, I scored 97% higher than the average person. When I started telling people about the research I had done they started to point out that my way of thinking and personality highly resembled a psychopath. They say that if you’re worried about being a psychopath that you aren’t one. But I don’t think I’m worried I feel more curiosity than anything. I’ve been asking you for advice for quite a while now. Do you think that I am psychopath? If so, how should I deal with this?

Hi arjai101 –

Psychopaths and Sociopaths are both people who have something called Antisocial Personality Disorder.  The difference between them seems to be about how they interact with others.  But fundamentally, they both have this condition, which is marked by complete disregard of the rights of others, a lack of conscience, and criminal and aggressive behavior.

Is this really you?

Let me make this clear.  Every person, and every dog, in the world, has some aspects of APD.  Each of us can also get depressed, can get kind of manic, can explode in anger, and can hear things that aren’t really there (haven’t you noticed those times we pooches will start barking furiously at what you can clearly see is nothing?!).  And each of those is the hallmark of a serious mental disorder.

The issue with these diagnoses is that Continue reading

What to do if you’re caught watching inappropriate stuff.

Monkey_Candy13 asks: I need some advice on friends. My friend and I apparently watched something that we shouldn’t be watching (you know). Then she told her mom and her mom said you have to tell your dad and he told her to not hang out with me anymore. My friend is very protective of her dad and always thinks he’s right, even when he is wrong (even if she and her Mom agree he is). You would probably think, “Don’t you have other friends?” and I do, but every time I want to hang with them, they always say they are busy – while this friend has always made time for me. I have tried fixing things between us, but she never lets me talk about anything. So I sent her a letter, but she has not replied. My friend even unfriended me on Facebook. I really hope you can help!

Hi Monkey_Candy13 –



I think you are dealing with two questions here, really. But the answer to both of them might be the same thing.


The first question is what to do about being caught watching something inappropriate. I wish this weren’t the case, but the truth is that today, with the internet, it’s almost impossible to imagine someone could be a teenager and not have any curiosity about what’s considered naughty or unacceptable. This is part of why parents are absolutely freaked about their kids going online – it’s not that they might discover something, it’s that it’s so easy to discover EVERYthing! Parents, such as your friend’s dad, feel absolutely helpless. They don’t want their kids seeing too much, and will go to crazy means to keep that from happening. And while you, your friend, and her mother, all might realize that being around you wasn’t the cause of her watching that stuff, and being around you now wouldn’t mean she’d do it again, her dad is stuck with trying to do ANYthing he can to keep that from happening.


Meanwhile, the second is how you can re-connect your friendship with this best-of-all-friends. Even though she’s trying to be loyal to her father, by cutting you out.


Well, I have one idea. It’s scary, and would take a lot of bravery. But if you’ve got the guts, it’s possible that it could work.


I think you should Continue reading

What to do when you’re in love with two people

ehaose asks: I’m in love with two guys and they both promised to marry me. A is very understanding – he is in the same class as me and an A student. He wants to be a doctor when he finishes school. When we have free time we like to take a walk in the park. The only problem with him is he comes from a poor family. B drives a Jeep, and is a manager at his company. He has three houses, buys me expensive gifts, and takes me to very expensive restaurants. He wants to marry me next month, but wants us to have sex on his birthday to prove I love him – and that’s next week.

Hi ehaose –


Wow, this sounds like one of those novels with a cover showing a beautiful woman on a horse, being held by a handsome shirtless man with gigantic pecs. The rich man and the poor man both love her, both are amazing, and she’s torn as to what to do.


In the novels, I believe she usually goes for the guy from the poor family. But I’m not saying to do that – just pointing out what the novelists say!


I’m going to say something a bit less romantic instead.


You say you’re in love with both these men. Yet when you told me about them, you never said a word about their Continue reading

What to do about cutting

lettersdontfade asks: I’m in love (I think I am) with a guy that works outside of my country. He used to work in city I live in, but he’s taking a risk (because it’s his dream job to work outside of my country) and works there. It’s been 4 months since I’ve seen him. I can’t call him my boyfriend, because he’s obviously not. He’s got a girlfriend here, in this country. But before everything we’ve been through, he said that he and his girlfriend haven’t talked since he left. A couple months before, he asked me for a nude picture, which I refused to give him, and he said that he’s proud of me because I didn’t want to gave him the pictures. Later that evening, he asked me one more time and I said no – and he got mad at me. He doesn’t show his disappointment, but I can feel through the text he sent me. Then, I sent him the pictures, and gave his picture (but not nudes) and it lasted for like 1 or two months. Just so you know, we argue a lot, but it only lasts for a couple of hours and then we’re okay with it. And one more thing that you should know, he hates it when I leave him (“leave” meaning when I don’t tell him that I fell asleep, or if I’m doing something and it takes a lot of time to reply his text. Anyway, a few weeks ago, I got into a fight with him because I “left” him. I tried to call him and explain, but he refused it. I was so angry and I said, “oh maybe you had a lot of chicks beside you so you didn’t give a damn about me,” and he’s angry about it too and then we didn’t talk for six days because the wifi didn’t work on my phone. On day six, I fixed my phone so that the wifi could work, and then I received his text saying that he missed me. I talked to my friend about this and asked for her opinions, and she said not to answer it till later. About one hour later, I answered it, and then we’re like getting back together, and I was trying to push all of my feelings down so that I’ll be okay if he leaves. And I think that was the first day I cut myself. Until now, we haven’t argued, and we haven’t sent any nudes to each other. All of my friends say that I should leave him because he’s only taken advantage of me, but I still love him so I couldn’t do that. Yesterday, I got really mad at him because he wasn’t paying any attention to me, just like before. I asked him this afternoon if he want to text or not, and he said “idk,” so I decided to leave him (saying “you might want to be alone for awhile, and we can chat later”). Then about five hours later I hadn’t gotten any text messages from him, so I decided to text him. He didn’t reply for a long time. Once he replied, I asked him why he’d taken so long, and he said “idk.” I don’t know why he’s acting like this. Do you think that he’s taking advantage of me? He said he loved me, but why is he doing this? His best friend told me that he once cheated on his girlfriend, and I instantly burst into tears. I really want to believe in him. I really want to make this work somehow. I’m too in love with him. Do you have any suggestions of how I can stop thinking of him so much? If I could just delete all of my feelings toward him I would!

Hi lettersdontfade –



Okay, I’m going to give you two answers.  The second is in response to about 99% of your letter.  And it’s important, but not nearly as important as the first one.


The first one is about cutting.


I know you’re in a lot of pain, and I know that cutting can help with that, in the short term.  But let me say with every doggy fiber in me – you need to stop doing it.  Now.

Many people – most often teenagers – find that they get a pleasurable sensation from cutting their skin.  Usually it happens because they are depressed and feel numb in their lives, so there’s a good feeling from the pain of the cuts.  It’s like how good it feels to scratch an itch – where you’re actually causing yourself more pain in a sense, but it gives you pleasure –magnified.  And we dogs know how good scratching an itch feels!  We do it all the time!

But, the difference between cutting and scratching an itch is that cutting is extremely dangerous.  Even potentially lethal.

In order to stop cutting, there are much safer techniques one can use to get similar feelings.  Some people Continue reading

2 How to battle emptiness

arjai101 asks: Everything in my life is going splendid. I have the highest math and science grades in my whole grade. My music classes are going well and I’m getting really advanced. I have a lot of good friends and I’m pretty popular. I had a really good cross-country season and I am really good at it. But I am overwhelmed with this emptiness and I can’t shake it no matter what I try. What could I possibly be missing? What more could I possibly need in my life? Do you have any ideas?

Hi arjai101 –



My friend, you have achieved the goal humans have been aiming for, almost since the dawn of time!


When you’re starving, hunting for your food, trying to keep from being eaten by the animal you’re hunting, you don’t think a lot about how you’re feeling. When you’re oppressed, or at war, constantly in terror of being killed by other people, things like emptiness don’t figure into your concerns much. And even if you’re doing okay, but working long hours, taking care of a family, “putting out fires” all the time, there’s no chance to sit back and assess your life and question whether you’re feeling fulfilled.


The great philosophers over time, and the great writers and thinkers, have tended to be people who were doing well. And because they weren’t struggling to get by, stressing out about failure, they had the chance to sit back and look at their lives, and ask the Great Question you’re asking: Is This The Life I Want?


You’re doing so well at all the things you’re supposed to do that you have had that chance. And you came up with the answer No. Now of course I’d like you to be feeling happier, but I think it’s really important that you take a moment to soak up how great an accomplishment your life right now is – including that realization about the emptiness!


Now I can’t tell you exactly what would fill that gaping hole inside you. But I can throw a few suggestions at you. And you could see if any of these help. But if they Continue reading

8 Us vs. We… a plea for a new way of thinking…

Us vs. We… a plea for a new way of thinking…

In my short time on this planet, I have rarely seen so much awfulness going on between people. In the cradle of civilization, the home of some of the world’s most beautiful and lasting religions, some people have been shooting missiles randomly into populated areas, and others blowing up places where they know children are possibly being held; in another ancient area, tensions are so high that it appears some people shot a commercial airliner out of the sky because they thought that it might be a plane holding the people they hate; all over the world, dictators and armies are ordering killings, beheadings, live burials – it’s all too shocking for a dog to take. And closer to my home, voices of hatred are screaming at hungry children for trying to better their lives, police are using military weapons against protesters…


We dogs want to look up to you humans, but right now, that’s pretty hard to do.


Now let me explain about where I’m coming from. We dogs don’t have a good understanding of history. We live very much in the present. You guys are much better at understanding how something that happened six years ago, or sixty years ago, or six hundred years ago, or six thousand years ago (!), applies to what is going on now.

And don’t get me wrong – I understand well that everyone wants, and deserves, to protect themselves. I’m a very good fighter, and if anybody – squirrel, cat, dog, or human – tries to come into my yard or mess with me or my guy, they are going to face some very sharp teeth that stem from a very muscular jaw! I would never tell anyone that they didn’t have the same right I have for self-protection.


But the way some humans are behaving shows me that their bigger brains, and they way they’re thinking, aren’t working very well right now, are they? Well, I have a thought. It might get you a bit angry, but I’d like you to try to think about it.


You all look alike to me. You’re all taller than I am, and taller than you are wide, most of you walk upright, you wear fabrics over your bodies, even your skin colors are far more similar to each other’s than those we have (have you ever seen any person with skin the bright red-orange color of an Irish Setter? Of a jet black Labrador Retriever? Of a purely white Maltese? No, you guys are all variations of dark brown to pinkish beige). And while I know certain individuals well (I can recognize Handsome a block away), I usually can’t tell you guys apart. She’s a poor Hindu; he’s a rich Shiite; that one’s British and the other is French; over there is a liberal and next to them are a bunch of staunch conservatives, he’s Goth she’s a Hippie… Do you think I can tell any of that?!


At the same time, although we dogs are all shapes and sizes and colors and such, we can always tell the difference between a dog and another species. Similarly, you can very easily tell a human from a fish or an ape or a reptile.

So what if people, all of you people, started to think of yourselves, not as a member of a nation, or a follower of a religion… but as what I see: PEOPLE.

I don’t mean for anyone to give up your nationality, or certainly your religion. But to acknowledge that, besides what else you are, you’re also people.


And if you do that, then (and here’s the hard part, I know), can you start to look at yourself as one member of a seven-billion-member club? You’re still part of your family, your school, your town, your group of friends… but you’re also part of a group called The Human Race.


And then, here’s my crazy idea: If you do, then suddenly, maybe you can lose all this “Us versus Them” mindset, that gets everyone so hot-headed. And instead, you realize, It’s All… Us.

It’s so easy for viewers of a sports event to say “We won” or “We lost,” even though they never so much as touched the field or the ball. Now, what if, after cheering like crazy for your team, you walked away from the game and were able to say, “We played well. Both sides. We humans came out of this looking very noble.”

And what if, when a tragedy occurs where an unarmed young person is shot by a police officer, you were able to say “We need to look into this more, and see what we were doing wrong, so that we can make sure it doesn’t happen again. We don’t want to take a chance on our kids getting into trouble, or certainly on wrongly killing any of our kids.” You see where I’m going? It’s not that one side is right and another is wrong, it’s a mindset saying that We need to change, because something awful happened.


And I won’t just point the finger at you guys. I’ll join into this myself. I am a dog. We dogs have done some of the most amazing acts ever. We have sniffed out disaster sites and saved buried victims, we’ve located bombs and mines, we’ve protected our families endlessly, and we’re the cutest and funniest beings ever. We also have unfairly bitten strangers, we’ve been very mean to cats, we’ve peed all over very nice carpets, and… yes, we’ve even killed innocent people.   We have done all these things, and can easily do them again.

Now if I can admit that I’m part of a group that did all those things, then can’t you admit that your group created every great work of art, has built cities and invented airplanes, has fed the world through agriculture… and also that your group has polluted the atmosphere, killed far more beings than anyone else could come close to, and is the only species to ever call someone lying names on social media.

As these battles rage, we’ll hear people argue about how one side deserves to live more, because they invented lots of medicines, or wrote the greatest novels ever. No, All Of You cured Polio, All Of You created “War and Peace,” and “Mockingjay!” No one else could have done those things, just you humans. The good and the bad. You guys wrote “Happy” and you built concentration camps. Both are part of you. All of you.


But now I’ll spread my view even a bit wider. What if I say that both you and I are Mammals! And therefore I’m acknowledging that I am a member of a group that not only bit a nice old lady, but also fired random missiles into civilized areas on a regular basis. And I am a member of a group that retaliated by firing back, including at places where OUR children were. Yes, we mammals have been killing our own children, far too much and for far too long.

And we shot down an airliner. And we sent our army to attack and arrest little kids who were looking for a new home. And we have been decimating our fellow citizens all over Syria and Iraq and Nigeria and…


We need to change. We need to stop this. And maybe, if we can start to think of ourselves as “We,” we can.


Please note, I’m not suggesting we stop battling. There are so many legitimate “Them”s that we need to fight against! Starvation, Drought, Global Warming, Ebola, AIDS, Mental Illness, Human Trafficking, just to name a few… and FLEAS! Rotten nasty disease-ridden biters! Let’s all get together against THEM!


But we can’t, as long as we keep wasting our time looking at each other as Us and Them.


I know that this idea of mine doesn’t, in itself, solve one single issue. It doesn’t give anyone freedom, it doesn’t block up a tunnel where murderous weapons are transferred, it doesn’t make anyone safe in their home.

But it’s a start. And I know my doggy brain isn’t the best, but as far as I can tell, it’s a start in the only direction that makes any sense.


You see, if someone in your family was treating you, in your opinion, unfairly, I don’t think you’d send a missile to kill them. You’d find another way to get your point across. And if someone in your family did do something violent at you, and was then keeping weapons in a room with one of your children, I don’t think you’d blow that room up. You’d find another way.


And that’s all I’m asking for. Thinking of other ways.

Not for anyone in the world to allow themselves to be oppressed or attacked; no good comes from giving up. But if more of us could just stop looking at our problems as Us versus Them, and instead ask what We can do… maybe we could get a start at finding those “other ways” to solve our problems. Again, our problems.


And again, I know this isn’t an instant fix. Good heavens, when someone’s been attacked, it’s got to be nearly impossible for them to turn around and see their attacker as a brother or sister. But if the rest of us can look at the situation that way, and try to help from that point of view, maybe we can move the situation forward.


Think about this: Thirty-six years ago, two nations in the Middle East, who’d been enemies since before the pyramids were built, got together (through a supportive outside mediator) and signed a peace agreement. In the last few years, one of those nations has had two revolutions, but that peace agreement has still lasted. To the degree that that nation is the mediator today for a new peace agreement to help our their former arch-enemy. Because they’re seeing both sides of this current conflict as fellow beings, and peace as their greatest self-interest.


If that is possible, then how is anything not?


While I was writing this, a song was going through my head. And it made me think about the man who wrote it. He was born into a relatively poor area of a poor town, which he will always be associated with. He was best-known as a member of a small group of four men. He was a husband, he was a father. He was associated with one country, and then left it for another, and then got associated with yet another through his second marriage. He was all these things, and yet, more than anything else, he was an individual. Arrogant, funny, loving, cruel, and brilliantly creative, he was all himself. He never would have allowed anyone to consider themselves the same as him. And yet, he wrote:

            You might say I’m a dreamer

            But I’m not the only one

            I hope someday you’ll join us

            And the world will live as one.


Doesn’t that sound nice? Let it roll around in your brain for a minute. Really nice.

And also note that, in that last line, Mr. Lennon implied something else. Maybe if the world can be “as one,” it will manage to keep on… living.


Barking Like Crazy, but Praying for Peace,


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