Category Archives for "Questions"

How to get teenagers in a therapy group to talk

neli1 asks: I am a student social worker. I have a therapeutic group with teenagers who have behavioral problems. We are currently having our third session and now getting to the purpose of the group. I’m stuck and I don’t know what to talk about!! Can you help?

Hi neli1 –

I don’t know the subject of your group, but from what I’ve heard about such things, the goal of most therapy groups is to get the members to talk freely among themselves, without prodding from the leader.

It makes sense that it’s too early now for that to have happened, but I think what you need to look for is ideas of ways to move closer to that.  Here are a few that might help.

1)    Create a Continue reading

What is Primary Complex, and how can it be treated?

lyn_prettydevera asks: what are the signs and symptoms of primary complex to teen-agers?

Hi lyn_prettydevera –

I did a quick web-search about it, and everything I found was about it being in children.  I’m not sure what age is considered the point where it stops being Primary Complex and becomes adult Tuberculosis, but in case you’re talking about someone young enough, here’s a good website for information about it:

Absolutely, my strongest recommendation is that, if you suspect it, check with a physician at once.  Lots of people do just fine with TB, but, untreated, it can be extremely dangerous.

Good Luck, and Thanks!



Why can one still get depressed when they’re doing what they love?

Athny asks: I have been completely obsessed with Anime. I watch it all the time, and I mean All the time. But I sometimes get bored with it, and Life. I go to Karaoke, but I just sing Anime songs. I even have my own Hatsune Miku Costume. But I keep getting depressed half the time and I don’t know what to do. Can you help me?

Hi Athny –


You seem to be confusing two very different issues, Athny.  It’s absolutely fantastic to love something, even to the point of obsession.  Lots of people never find something they love that much.  Your love of Anime might well last your whole life, and influence all sorts of aspects of your world as you go.

For example, when Handsome was young, he developed a great love of the old Continue reading

How can one move past bad memories?

prettyndsweet12 asks: Sometimes I tend to think about the bad and embarrassing things that have happened to me in the past, and it makes me sad and sometimes mad. How can I keep myself from thinking about my past and focus more on my present and future?

Hi prettyndsweet12 –


That’s a great question.  People always tell us to move on past the bad things in our pasts, and live life in the present.  But how can we do that when those bad memories just won’t let us go?!


Well, here’s the deal – those memories are there for a very good Continue reading

How to get in shape quickly

Sundershiner asks: I’m really overweight, and really upset I’ve let myself get this way. At school all my classmates look at me funny, and I always feel insecure. I am confident in everything else other than my stomach. I don’t have any problems, and I’m occasionally active! I just love to eat! I’ve tried to be healthy, or try to do something active but I just end up not doing it and having some type of food in front of me! So what could I do to get healthy fast? Run, swim, walk, cardio twister, the bike, field hockey practice in my yard? Also, I will be missing a week worth of field hockey practice! My coach said we all really need to get in shape or it will be a nightmare. I know because I did it last year. I just want to be prepared this time! What should I do?

Hi sundershiner –

If I’m understanding your question right, your field hockey will start soon, and you want to get into great shape by then.  Well, it’s impossible to change completely in that time.  But what you can do is start preparing now, to be ready for the practices to get you into better shape.

All the exercises you ask about are great.  And my advice would be to not overdo any of them.  Maybe go Continue reading

6 What are some reasons to become a soldier?

abodunde1987 asks: Can you give me some reasons why I should be a soldier?

Hi abodunde1987 –



Being a member of the military is one of the most difficult, strenuous, and dangerous jobs anyone can choose.  My first answer to your question would be that the biggest reason to become a soldier is because you passionately believe in the cause you’d be fighting for.  For example, if your country has been attacked, you might feel very strongly that you want to be a part of the force that Continue reading

What does “physical relations” mean?

Aspara asks: What is physical relation?

Hi Aspara –



Well, although officially it could mean any physical relationship between two or more objects (I am in physical relation with the floor right now, for example), it usually means physical relations of a romantic sort.  In other words, instead of one person just looking longingly at another, or writing them love letters, they’re actually touching.  That could mean holding hands, dancing, kissing, groping, or Continue reading

How can a dog help anyone by giving advice?

Rebecca asks: You’re just a dog! How can you ever help me? My problems are getting worser n worser! But thanks anyway, for your concern, and for being on my side. I am happy just for that.

Hi rebecca –



I have one very important answer for you:  You’re right.  I can’t help you a bit.  I can’t come out there and bite the people who are mean to you, and I can’t lay my head on your lap so you can hold me while you cry.  And I certainly can’t change anyone else’s behavior.


But there is one thing I can do, and that’s what I love to do more than anything else:  I can Continue reading

What to do if a popular boy is attracted to you

lillyanna asks: I recently heard that the most popular boy in my village has a crush on me. This came as a surprise because I am not all that popular and taught he did not know who I was. What should I do?

Hi lillyanna –



Oh I wonder how many of our readers are yelling at you as they read this, “JUMP ON HIM, SILLY!”  And of course, I agree, but I jump on everybody, so I’m not a good role model in that!


My big question is what you Continue reading

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