What to do if you’re addicted to Facebook
Hachiko asks: I have been getting addicted to the Internet (especially Facebook). I can’t close it because my best friend and I live very far so we can talk there. I also play a game there called Youville, and am addicted to that too. Could you please help me?
Hi Hachiko –
Facebook is, I suppose, the most profound change in humans’ social world of the last decade. I don’t even know what would come in second place! It has exploded in popularity and importance so quickly that most of the world has been struggling to keep up with it – including trying to grasp what its advantages and disadvantages are. Besides its original intent to create a place for friends to meet online, it has contributed to the fall of empires, to countless reunions of lost contacts, and – yes – to millions of acts of thoughtlessness and cruelty.
I’m only a dog and don’t have nearly the imagination or wisdom to know all the advantages or disadvantages inherent in Facebook. But there are a few things I do know, and they all have both in them!
1) Facebook is an amazing way of getting news about yourself out to a Continue reading