Does numerology work?
Shizuka blue asks: Are the numerology sites true? Just for fun, I checked my numerology report. It says that I am good but the faults I have read about me made me worry. Now, its like I am trying to judge myself whenever I do something, and it’s made me quite depressed. Before, I took it as a game but after having read it, I am afraid I really bear those traits. I don’t know how to get these thoughts out of my mind. Can you help?
Hi Shizuka blue –
As a dog, I believe in a very few things. I believe in my own heart, I believe enormously in my human friend Handsome, and I believe in the awesomeness of the whole world around me (including the things I can’t see, like love and magic and the voices that come to us in the middle of the night from nowhere).
There’s also a lot I don’t not believe, but don’t understand. I know there’s such a thing as Nuclear Physics, but I can’t pretend to grasp one proton of it! I know there’s an infinite universe out there, but I can’t comprehend something that goes on forever. I know there’s a number called Pi that also goes on forever that’s the key to how a circle is defined, but I can’t tell you all of it, or why it works. I know that our physical makeup, and maybe lots more, is determined by incredibly small strands called DNA that hold more information than the biggest computer… but that completely mystifies me!
So when it comes down to any method that says it can predict the future, or personalities, or anything else like that, my answer is always, “Could be. I have no idea.”
But I will admit that Numerology is a particularly Continue reading