Category Archives for "Life Skills"

What to do when someone spreads lies about you

sundershiner asks: This one girl hates me and won’t stop making up lies about me! How can I get through to her? I want her to stop. But I want to do it in a calm way.

Hi sundershiner –

You probably know me well enough by now to guess what I’d say, which is that you’ve got to find out why she’s doing this!  It makes no sense for anyone to hate anyone, or spread lies about them (which we know well is guaranteed to come back and bite her right below the tail one of these days), unless they have a very strong reason.

(Note: I didn’t say a very good reason; it might be completely stupid!  But it’s definitely a strong one.)

Now if someone hates someone for reasons that are really about that person being Continue reading

How to teach a teen not to smoke

smiletrain48 asks: What punishment should be given when a 13-year-old girl is caught smoking?

Hi smiletrain48 –

I’m a big believer in certain sorts of punishment, for certain things.  I never would have learned not to pee in the house, or not to climb onto the couch, unless Handsome had let me know that such things weren’t acceptable.  But in truth, he didn’t have to do much about them.  Once I knew they were outlawed, I was pretty good at avoiding them.

But when I was a puppy, Biting was another story!  I knew he hated it, and I bit him all the time!  Bit his ankles, bit his shoes, bit his Continue reading

How to react to racism

amikellia asks: I attend a school. As I got there people started disliking me for no reason. One girl said to another person that I am an African and they are very ugly, I am an African but I don’t know why people dislike Africans. Some of them have to be forced by a teacher to talk to me or group up with me, and so on. Some of them don’t even like sitting down next to me. They make fun of me behind my back, call me names and laugh at me anytime I lose something! If I tell a teacher, it becomes even worse. I try to ignore them, but it is very hard. They even mock my accent because I am an African. I don’t like it at all. Please help me.

Hi amikellia –



In most ways, humans are a lot smarter than us dogs.  Humans can invent and create automobiles, humans can do math, humans can write songs and symphonies and poems and novels… humans are just brilliant.


And then there are the areas where humans can be absolute idiots.  Racism sticks out as maybe the biggest of these.


You say you don’t like the way you’re being treated?  Well I’ll take you one further – I HATE it!  What you’re living through is unbridled cruelty, to the point of real bullying.  And it is SOOOOOOOO Continue reading

What present to give someone you’re dating

Sazuna45 asks: My friend’s second monthiversary is coming up and she doesn’t know what to give her boyfriend as a present. Do you have any suggestions?

Hi sazuna45 –



You know, humans really are a funny breed.  You care so much about calendars!  When Handsome comes home from work, I am absolutely thrilled to see him.  When he comes home on his birthday, or my birthday, or Christmas, or the day of the closing ceremony of the Olympics, my happiness is exactly the same.  And if he brings me a treat, I’m even happier – whether that’s because it’s my birthday or just that he has some leftovers from a good dinner.


You see, I’m perfectly happy to play along with the whole concept of holidays (although I do get very irritated when Handsome makes me wear Continue reading

How to tell a friend they’re dating a jerk

sazuna45 asks: I’m really confused. Two of my friends – close ones – are dating, but I know that the guy is hiding a lot from the girl. He told her he stopped drinking but in parties (when she’s not there) he gets drunk and flirts with other girls like a maniac. He even stole money from one of his friends and bought his girlfriend a bag. He’s on weed and he gets into fights against gangs and all. I know all this but I don’t know if I can tell, because she won’t believe me. What do I do?!

Hi sazuna45 –


Wow are you in a tough place with this question!  I have a few thoughts, but there’s no clear answer.


First – you say both of these are close friends of yours.  Are you sure you want to stay close friends with the boy?  He sounds like a lot of trouble to me.  When you mix drinking to excess, semi-cheating, stealing, drug use, and getting in fights…  Is this guy really one who can, to quote the old song “deserve you and be even worthy erv you”?!  Not to mention your girl friend, who he’s being way less than great to.


So one thing you can do is to Continue reading

What do kids need to know about energy?

carina asks: What topics can I teach about energy?

Hi carina –



I’m not sure what age you’re teaching to, but I’m glad you are, because energy is such an important issue today, and we really do want all humans of any age to understand it.


One thing that the youngest really have trouble grasping is how much more the world depends on energy sources than ever before.  Can they even conceive of a world with no computers, no cell phones, and no big-screen TVs?  Or how about a world with no Continue reading

2 What to do when your best friend moves away

prettyndsweet12 asks: My best friend moved today and it made me sad and I’m crying. How can I learn to cope with her being gone? She was my best friend, and school just doesn’t seem right without her.

Hi prettyndsweet12 –



Losing a best friend is always awful.  Whether it’s from an argument, or them moving away, or them being badly hurt, it’s guaranteed to make you feel terrible.  After all, how many things do we value as much as a best friend?  I hate it when I get a piece of chicken and Handsome pulls it out of my mouth (in fear the bones will splinter in my throat), but I get over it.  But some things are irreplaceable.  And Family and Friends top the list.


I’m not going to even begin to try to Continue reading

How to make New Year’s Resolutions

kavin24 asks: How can I make my New Year’s Resolutions?

Hi kavin24 –



We dogs don’t think much about our future, so I don’t think any of us make reservations, beyond the “Wow did she get mad when I peed on the couch!  I sure won’t do that again!” variety.


But I think New Year’s Resolutions are a great idea.  You humans are very calendar-oriented, so I hardly ever see people reach the end of a year without thinking back on what they accomplished and didn’t, and what they’re hoping will be different next year.  So what a great time to decide on changes you wish to make to yourself.  Fantastic!  However… at the same time, I see lots of resolutions never Continue reading

2 What to do if you see an animal being abused

Hachiko asks: There’s this dog (a small one) I really want to keep, but my mom won’t let me (In our religion keeping dogs is okay, but they say they’re unpure and better not to keep) and this dog gets beaten by men who work down-stairs. What can I do? I’m just a girl who can’t disobey her parent’s 🙁

Hi Hachiko –

Of course, being a dog, it’s tough for me to talk from the point of view of those who don’t think we’re just the best things around.  But I have to acknowledge that they’re out there, and that they have the right to their opinions.

Someday, you’ll be an adult, and you’ll have the right to make decisions for yourself, like whether or not to have a dog as a pet.  But for now, you’re right, you can’t have it in your parents’ home.  It’s sad, but true.

But there’s another issue here.  Which is that you’re witnessing an Continue reading

What can a kid do when life at home becomes unbearable?

RebGijey asks: I’m a 12-year-old kid and my parents are always fighting. They have tons of problems, and always drag me into them, and so I get psychologically, emotionally, physically and mentally affected – even in my studies and school activities. I’ve told them that I’m now planning to move away from them and stay in an apartment or dorm in our school, but they couldn’t even care less. Now, I just need a job to pay my rent. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Hi RebGijey –

I don’t know where you live, RebGijey, so I can’t speak about the laws on child labor, or about a 12-year-old’s rights to live on their own.  But I can sure say this – your situation sounds AWFUL!

It is possible that your home life could be so bad that the police or some social workers could demand that you be allowed to live elsewhere.  But I don’t know if they could guarantee that you’d be able to stay at the same school.

I feel a little helpless, as there’s just so much I don’t know.  But the main idea that strikes me is about your Continue reading

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