Category Archives for "Growing Up"

How to fit in homework and play

Honey asks: I’m a nine-year-old girl. How can I both do my homework and play, after I get home? I don’t have time!

Hi Honey –


Oh I hate this!  I certainly understand why schools assign kids homework – it gives the students a chance to practice what they’ve learned, and builds habits that will help you a lot later in your life – but I’m a huge fan of play!  I play all the time, and I think kids learn as much from playing as they ever can learn from homework.  So while I want you to do the work you have to, and stay out of trouble (!!), I sure want you to have time to play as well.


What it sounds like you’re really dealing with is what adults call Time Management.  That’s a fancy term for planning out your day, to make sure you get what you care most about done.


So let’s try a pretend day, for an example.  Let’s say you get home at 4:00 in the Continue reading

How to handle sibling rivalry in your children

Samiya asks: I am a working lady. I have two kids – an eight-year-old girl and a one-and-a-half-year-old boy. Now I am facing some problems with my daughter. She is telling me lies about small things, asking me if I’m angry with her, telling me I don’t love her… I am always behaving very cool and trying to avoid all this, but some times, I am getting extremely getting irritated. Please help me, how should I behave with my daughter?!

Hi Samiya –

I could be wrong, but I’m going to take a chance here and make a guess that your daughter is showing pure sibling rivalry – though she may not know it herself!

You see, when you had your son, you saw it as making an addition to your family.  But for her, it was like you had just taken half of everything that mattered to her – her home, her toys, and most importantly her mother – and cut her portion of it in half!  Suddenly she had to share everything.  In fact, just because babies take a lot of work, she might have suddenly had to live with less than half of the mommy she depended on!

This doesn’t mean you have done anything wrong; sibling issues (as I’ve talked about on here a lot) go back to the beginning of time, and even cross into other species (believe me, I bit my brothers and sisters a lot to get more of my mom’s attention!).

But now, she’s doing three things that you need to deal with.  She’s lying (which is a test of your attention and trust), she’s asking if you’re angry (expressing a need for assurance), and telling you that you don’t love her (expressing anger and begging you to prove her wrong).  All of these are very normal behaviors for a child in her situation.

Assuming I’m right about her, here’s what I’d like you to do:  First, set very clear boundaries about the lying, by making it clear to her that there are definite consequences for even little lies.  For example, if she lies to you, she doesn’t get any TV for a day.  (Note – the consequences don’t have to be huge; just enough to give her some structure)

Second, when she asks if you’re angry, tell her that you’ll answer her but you’d like her to ask a different question:  have her ask how you’re feeling about her at that time.  Then you can tell her that you’re happy with her, angry with her, madly in love with her, disappointed in her, annoyed with her, amused by her… whatever you’re feeling.  This will actually give her more of what she needs – to know that she matters to you – and expand her own emotional vocabulary, while not being so annoying to you!

And third, when she says that you don’t love her, just look her right in the eye, smile, and tell her “You can’t even imagine how much I love you.  I love you more than the whole wide world!”  Or something like that.

Now if you do that, some day she’s going to hit you with the real question she has, which is “But do you love me as much as you love my brother?”  And when she does, just explain to her that your heart is so big, and so full of love, that you can love both of them that big huge amount.  That you’d do anything and give anything for either of them, and that it’s impossible for you to love one more than the other because there’s no limit to the love you have for each.

Now that’s a lot!  It’s a lot for you to remember to do, but it’s also a lot to ask her to understand.  But it’s the truth, isn’t it!

So Samiya, that’s why I’m so specifically advising you of what to do with your daughter.  Because the sooner she begins to really understand how huge and amazing love is, the better!


Good Luck!  Let me know how it goes!





How to help a child with great Anxiety

Ninong asks: My daughter (7 years old) is a wonderful, intelligent and socially adept child. Lately, however, she cries and vomits every time we begin her to school. This happens every time she waits for the results of an exam/test or a quiz she has taken in class. I could observe that she literally would count the days when the exam results would be announced getting fidgety as the date draws near. She always (and this is not an exaggeration) would get excellent results and in fact is the top student of her school. She would immediately return to her usual happy and wonderful self as soon as the exam results are announced. Her home-room teacher has observed this behavior and even called my attention to it. We have ruled out bullying and other factors since they are visibly absent in her case. We have assured her that we would be as happy with any result she would get for as long as she tried her best. We have talked to her about this and have kept re-assuring her.

Hi Ninong –


I’m so glad you wrote me about your daughter.  This is a very tough problem, and she definitely needs some help.


It is totally normal for children to be anxious about school and exams (In fact, just between us, why they bother giving exams to 7-year-olds is beyond me!).  But your daughter’s reactions are not the normal Continue reading

1 How to make teenagers less crime-minded

Kate asks: How can we stop teenagers from being crime-minded?

Hi Kate –

What an interesting question!

I think what you’re really asking me is how we can keep teenagers honest, give them a moral sense.  Because all sorts of people think about crime all the time; frankly it’s fun!  Humans all love to think about breaking the rules, going against society, even such outrageous things as major theft and murder (if we didn’t, bestselling book lists and TV ratings would be VERY different from the way they are!).

My quick and easy (and too simplistic) answer to your question is that you should instill those moral values earlier, when those teenagers are Continue reading

How a teenager can help their parents with their problems

Rozaeliyana asks: Hi, Shirelle. If our parents have problems, what should we do to solve them, and not to stress out about them all the time?

Hi Rozaeliyana –


Well, clearly you are a person with a great heart.  You look at your parents, and you want to help them with their problems.  That’s wonderful.

And I have to admit, I’m of two minds on this.  (Impressive isn’t it; most dogs wouldn’t even have one opinion!)  First, I don’t know your age, but if you’re under, oh, 22, I’m inclined to say that it’s not your responsibility to solve your parents’ problems – it’s their job to help you with Continue reading

Should we follow our heart or our head?

cute couple asks: If a girl like me loves a boy that… I’m not sure if he loves me but he always says, “I love you” when we talk… my mind tells me to love him, but my heart says no. What shall I follow my mind or my heart?

Hi cute couple –


This is one of the oldest questions known to humankind!  Head or Heart?  Oh and there are so many great songs about it:

Fools rush in

Where wise men never go

But wise men never fall in love

So how are they to know



Well you couldn’t say ‘no’ tonight

If I keep my heart out of sight



Heart of mine

Be still

You can play with fire

But you’ll get the Continue reading

How can a teenager handle their need for afternoon sleep

Star asks: Hey Shirelle – Every day I come from school and eat, and then I always sleep and never get the chance to look at my books, and then I always have to go to karate classes at 15:00. What can I do to stop sleeping, or at least read first before I sleep?

Hi Star –


You wrote JUST the right expert on this issue!  Let me describe an average dog’s day to you:  Wake up, wake up owner, go outside, do business, run around, bark at a few things, come inside, eat a little, go to sleep.  Get up, bark at more things, go back to sleep.  Kiss owner goodbye for day, feel horrible and abandoned, go back to sleep.  Wake up, sniff around, chase something, go back to sleep missing owner.  Wake up, sniff around more, not minding being alone so much, bark at what sounds like dogs walking by, go back to sleep.  Wake up thinking owner’s home, realize he’s not, sniff around, chase something, eat some bit of a plant, go back to sleep.  Wake up thinking owner’s home, find out you’re right, go absolutely nuts running around in circles barking to the world your ecstasy, jump all over owner ruining his clothes, play tug of war, go lie down and take a nap.  Wake up when you hear owner pouring out your dinner, eat, beg for some of what owner’s eating, hopefully get some, go back to sleep.  Get up at the sound of your leash, run around in circles, make it really difficult for owner to put leash over your head, go for walk pulling like crazy, get home, sniff around to find what’s happened while you were gone, go to sleep.   Wake up when owner’s ready to go to bed, complain about whatever he does, go to sleep cuddled up.


Now if I’m counting right, I’m describing a dog going to sleep ten times a Continue reading

2 How to handle a parentified sibling

fk asks: I am a 16-year-old girl. My sister whom I live with found me with my boyfriend. I wasn’t doing anything wrong with him, but ever since, I think she hates me. She scolds me whenever I ask for permission to go out. I apologized, but she couldn’t accept my apologies. What am I to do?

Hi fk –


I guess I’m a little confused.  What was your sister mad about?  Did she not know you had a boyfriend?  Or is it that you don’t think you were doing anything wrong, but she did?


Either way, the odds are that she doesn’t hate you.  It sounds from your letter like your sister is trying to act as your Continue reading

What to do when everyone likes you, but no one’s interested in you

krishma asks: Everyone likes me, but I still feel that they are not truly interested in me. Why?

Hi Krishma –


I’m so sorry!  What an awful feeling that is!  I’ve been to parties like that – all the people come up and pat me on the head and say “Nice Doggie,” but then they walk away.  They don’t want to play with me, or even just get to know me.  It’s a really painful feeling; sometimes I think I’d prefer it if they just ignored me completely – at least I wouldn’t be so confused!


Now when you ask me why this is going on for you, I have to say, I have no idea.  When it happens to me, I suppose it’s because none of those people are really dog-lovers, or at least it’s just that they have something else their minds are on.  For example, let’s say that party was actually a meeting where people decided whether or not to go into a huge Continue reading

Can you make your parents proud with your choice of college or career?

star asks: Hi Shirelle. Sorry if I’m asking too many questions, I just don’t know who else to ask! I’m really trying hard to make my parents proud. The things I most like to do are singing, comedy and playing guitar, but in my country I cannot really go anywhere with these things. So I have to study at a school abroad, such as in the UK or US. Can you help me find a school there? I really need and want to make them proud!

Hi Star –


No problem!  There’s no reason to feel bad about asking me questions, that’s what I’m here for!  I love answering them!


So I need to look at a few things in your question separately.  First, about trying to make your parents proud.  You know, different parents feel pride for different things.  Some parents would be absolutely thrilled for their son to become a rich stockbroker, while others would be appalled and say he’d lost his Continue reading

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