Category Archives for "Teens"

Am I good enough for my crush?

Cookie Vidal asks: What should I do if my friends always make fun of me because I have a huge crush on this guy I met at camp over the summer? Also they always call me fat and say that I have a longa (which is Spanish for huge stomach), and it hurts but I still take it as a joke. At the same time I don’t want to leave them, because if I leave one they’ll all go following her. I want to know how to tell them to stop making fun of me just because this guy pops up in my head everyday! I want to just move on (Oh, I forgot to mention that he is extremely HOT!).

Hi Cookie Vidal –


The issue of friends making fun of a friend is a tough one to comment on, because I don’t know a lot about it.  Is the group being really mean and insensitive, ganging up on one like a wild dog pack attacking an injured member?  Or is the person just highly sensitive, and not good at joking in the way they like to joke?  I’ve dealt with both in previous questions, so I’m going to send you both my Continue reading

2 How to build confidence after almost failing an exam

teejay 96 asks: Lately I’ve been feeling really down. I barely passed this important exam I took a few months back. I’m supposed to be preparing for the next exam in line, but I’m so demoralized. I tried so hard for the last exam and thought I would pass really well. But, that didn’t happen. I’ve lost interest in reading and I really don’t know what to do. Nobody understands and they all think I’m fine. HELP!

Hi teejay 96 –


This is a really fascinating situation!  I have to confess, we dogs have the exact opposite point of view.  If I walk outdoors and a squirrel is standing by me and I grab it, I don’t feel any particular pride.  But if I see a squirrel a hundred feet away, and I run after it and it runs fast and turns tight corners that I have to try really hard to take, and it runs up a tree and I leap and just barely grab it by the tail, and it falls off the tree but is able to run away from me and I chase it and just barely grab it before it gets under the fence…  I feel great!  That’s the most exciting part of my day, and I feel more confident of my abilities as a hunter than I did before.

You, on the other hand, seem to have been discouraged by having not passed that exam more easily.

And what’s worse, instead of the exam being so hard making you study harder for the next one, you’ve lost the spark that made you a Continue reading

How to get someone to trust you after you’ve lied to them

Destined962013 asks: Me and my boyfriend have been together for over seven months now. About four months ago, I lied to him about something very serious. I really had no reason to lie to him in the first place, but I did. The problem is that, since then, I have been completely truthful about everything, but he doesn’t believe me. I was wondering if you know any way for me to show him that I really am not lying to him now.

Hi Destined962013 –


Quick answer:  No.  There is no way to prove you’re not a liar.  There’s a rule in logic that says “One cannot prove a negative.”  What it means is, it’s impossible to prove that something is not the case.  You can only prove that something is the case.

For example, let’s say you go home, and you see that your cat was bitten by someone this morning.  Can I prove that I wasn’t the one who Continue reading

How old should one be before getting a dog?

danny asks: What is the appropriate age for keeping a dog?

Hi danny –

I assume you’re asking about the right age for a human to be, if they’re going to adopt a dog.  If I’m wrong, and you mean to ask what is the right age for a dog to be adopted, please get back to me on that.

I don’t think there’s an appropriate age for getting a dog.  What matters is the appropriate Continue reading

Where is Shirelle from?

ananya asks: Where are you from?

Hi ananya –



I don’t remember much about the first few months of my life.  I was born as part of a litter, and wandered about with my mother and brothers and sisters, till one day I was picked up by a dog catcher and taken to a pound.  I spent about a week there, before a stranger bought me and took me to his home.  That home was the first place I ever began to develop a sense of “being from” somewhere.


As you probably know, that stranger was a man who kept me around, fed me, sheltered me, taught me a number of rules, and – most importantly to me – has Continue reading

What are the side-effects of waxing?

Silver Tears asks: Can waxing cause hormonal imbalance?

Hi Silver Tears –



Okay, let me start off with what THIS dog thinks about waxing.  The idea of someone dripping hot wax onto me so that they can rip off a swath of my fur all at once is…  hmmm… the word “unpleasant” comes to mind.  Most particularly, “unpleasant” for the person who tries to do it.  You see, I would be experiencing a sudden flash of searing pain, and my only thought would be a great desire for THEM to feel even more pain, and that I have a wonderful set of teeth just tailor-made to achieve that!  Teeth that would go so nicely into their legs, their behinds, and the hands that are trying to rip off even more of my fur!!  grrrrrrrrooOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLCH!


However, onto your Continue reading

What to do when you feel everyone hates you

bella asks: I hate my life! Everyone around me hates me! I don’t know how to respond to some questions, and so sometimes I answer in a rude way, even though I don’t mean to be rude.

Hi bella –


I know how you feel.


We dogs never hate our lives (even when we’re locked in cages, treated horribly, hurt, etc., we just love being alive; it’s part of being a dog), but I’ve seen so many humans who feel just the way you’re describing.  It’s really sad and unfair.  I’m sorry you feel that way.


I also know what it’s like to feel like everyone hates me, and that is based on experience.  Have you ever been put in a Continue reading

1 How to stop oneself playing computer games at bedtime.

Chicken asks: In the past few weeks I’ve been staying up late on my iPad and playing games when I’m supposed to sleep. I try to sleep but I can’t. I’ve been tired in the day, and if I tell my parents I will get in trouble. I can’t stop staying up late on my iPad. Please help!

Hi Chicken –

Okay, let’s start with the obvious here: the iPad is fun!  Of course you like staying up playing with it.  Also, computer games can get pretty addictive, and while you’re trying to master one, it’s awfully easy to lose track of time and suddenly find that hours have gone by.

Because of this, you are experiencing what some call a “teachable Continue reading

Is it a good idea to change your surname?

amber asks: I’m thinking about changing my surname to that of my mom’s side of the family, and wondering how my dad would feel about this. I want to change it because my current surname means nothing to me. My dad never spends time with me or ever rings. We have some contact, but last Christmas he made up an excuse so he wouldn’t have to visit (he only lives about an hour away from me). I just don’t understand why he doesn’t like spending time with me. Last time we actually spent time with each other was when I was six and now I’m fourteen. Last time he was down to visit it felt like I was talking to a stranger. It’s like I don’t know who he is. What should I do?

Hi amber –

There are two aspects to your question, and both are… well, huge!

First, you’re wondering about your father, and why he’s been so distant.  Oh my friend, I wish I were psychic and could tell you what’s going on in his mind, but, smart a pup as I am, I simply don’t know.  Maybe he just doesn’t know how to deal with you (perhaps because he feels guilty about not Continue reading

What to do if you’re self-conscious about leg hair

Zack asks: I’m too hairy-legged to wear shorts, and in our country it’s really really hot this summer. I’m a swimmer, and so I want to shave my legs or wax, but my parents won’t let me. I’m too shy to wear shorts, because when do everyone is looking at me. What should I do? Just wear jeans on hot days?

Hi Zack –

Hey, I don’t care how hairy you think your legs are, mine are hairier!  Unless you’re that Jacob guy in the movies, no human has anywhere near the thickness of growth on their body that I do!

But of course, the difference is that I think my fur is beautiful, and almost everyone else does too!

So here’s my question to you, Zack:  Who says your legs are too Continue reading

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