Emee asks: I have a problem and I don’t know how to deal with it. This is REALLY personal. I have this inexplicable urge to kill living things. I’ve never killed a human, but I want to. I have had this problem for years. When I was 8 I sliced up my old Barbie Dolls. When I was 10 I would catch large bugs to dissect them. Now I’m 11 and I try to catch squirrels and birds. This is a problem that has become so bad I’ve researched it. I know that I have the potential for a future serial killer. That’s not who I want to be ever. I don’t feel other people’s pain and I hardly feel my own. This will be a problem someday. I need real help. Something not comparing to cats and dogs. If you can help that would be nice.
Hi Emee –
Emee, I know there are lots of websites that give advice, and I’m really glad you picked mine for this. Because I – and all dogs – are exactly like you! I get it. I get your excitement, and I get your fear. And I truly think I can help.
If you’ve ever watched puppies, you probably have noticed that we spend most of our waking hours playing. And our playing pretty much means two things – play-fighting and play-killing. With our friends, we tumble and scrap and bite. And with toys (whether “official” toys like we are given by humans, or pretty much anything we find, like sticks or shoes) we rip them up, tear them, demolish them. Just like you with the Barbie dolls. It’s true that we puppies aren’t as aware of the meaning of these acts as you were (hey – that 8-year-old human brain of yours was probably bigger than all of me was at that stage!), but we were doing the same thing.
Emee, it’s instinctual. We all have base instincts in us that come from our distant ancestors (for us pups that means wolves!), and a major part of all our development involves instinctively building these skills. So a six-month-old puppy has already learned to fight and to hunt, as well as to love. Probably the three most important skills a dog needs to live. Similarly, while you humans develop more slowly and with far more insight and intelligence, your instincts taught you to be interested in fighting and killing at an early age too.
Now, I am about as sweet and kind a being as has ever existed… if you are a human or a dog, and I believe you’re going to be kind to me. But I’m a terrific fighter if I’m feeling threatened. And I am a VERY good hunter, of other kinds of animals. Emee I have killed squirrels, rats, birds, and more. None of these animals threatened me (I’ve killed an uncountable number of fleas too, but they definitely deserved it!). I hunt because every bit of my instinct tells me to do so. The only reason I wouldn’t hunt a small animal is if Handsome, my human friend, tells me not to. And he has to really yell sometimes to make sure I hear him! Those instincts are LOUD!
So why am I saying all this about myself, Emee? It’s because, if you met me, you wouldn’t be in the least afraid that I’d hunt you or kill you. Nor does any dog. I don’t think that way, because dogs and people are what I see as beings I play with, or fight with, or run away from, or cuddle up to. Not as something I want to kill.
Now if you’d written me and said that you had all these desires to kill small animals, and you were now feeling like killing cats or dogs, and thought that in the future you might want to kill people, and you wondered why anyone had a problem with that… THEN I’d worry! It would tell me that you were actually something called a Continue reading