How to create a radio show

Aanand asks: Hi, I am asking a question to you for the first time. In school, I have to do a radio show as a Project. Do you have any ideas? Are there any sites for that? Please help me.

Hi Aanand –


What a cool assignment!  All they had me do in school was sit, stay, and heel.  They never asked me to do a radio show.  And hey, I wouldn’t have been the first canine on the air – there were famous deejays in the past named Moondog and Wolfman Jack!  Ah-WOOOOOOOO!


You can definitely find out stuff about this online.  If you go to a search engine and type in “making a radio show,” you’ll get some information.  But you should definitely make sure about what you’re doing.  Is it a pretend radio show, that you’re just recording?  Or are you actually going to be broadcasting something?  If it’s the latter, you’ll need someone from the school to help you through all the technical and legal stuff.


As far as ideas, oh my imagination just explodes!  If I could form words with my mouth, I’d love to do a show about my favorite restaurant dumpsters, another about the best dogparks in town, a call-in show where people can ask questions like here on this website, and another one with all sorts of recordings of barks and howls!  I think if you just write down a list of things you love, you’ll have no trouble coming up with some great ideas for that radio show.


Most important…  HAVE FUN!!!!






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Antra Shaurya - October 19, 2011 Reply

Hey Shirelle can you please help me with the same thing (radio show in school) I so confused what topic I should take…and how to conduct the show.! please help me out.. 🙁

    Shirelle - October 20, 2011 Reply

    Hi – My simplest and best advice is to find a subject that absolutely fascinates you. What are you most interested in? What do you want to know more about all the time? If you can do a show on that, you’ll be so devoted, you’ll do a perfect job! Good Luck!

Antra Shaurya - October 20, 2011 Reply

Hey thanks ..!
How would be the topic pressure in teenagers or like peer pressure..?

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