What are the best medical universities in the UK?

Cinderrella asks: Hey, I’m writing from Africa. I’m in my second-to-last year of school. I always wanted to study in one of the universities in the UK, but I can’t seem to find the right one, since all the universities I checked seem to be very expensive. I was wondering if you could help me find a university in UK, with comprehensive fees. I’m in the science field, and would like to become a medical doctor.

Hi Cinderrella –


Thanks for your question about UK universities.


I have to confess, I really don’t know much at all about UK universities.  But I did a web search, and found some websites that I think can help you.  I’d suggest you look at these, and see what universities sound most interesting to you, and then write their admissions departments to find out about their financial aid programs.













Let me know how you do.  I’ll be really interested in what you find.


And may I say, on behalf of all us dogs and humans out there, thank you for wanting to become a doctor!  You’ll make our whole world a better place!





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